Try if you Dare
Word Problems
+ and - Fractions
Coordinate Plane

How many degrees are in a right angle?

90 degrees


Jeremy baked 14 cookies.  His sister Jenna ate 2/7 of the cookies he baked.  How many cookies did she eat?

4 cookies

Name BOTH formulas we can use to calculate volume.  
V = L x W x H AND V = B x H

1/3 + 5/4 (Write your answer as a mixed number if necessary)

1 and 7/12


The axes in a coordinate plane are called the __ axis and the __ axis.  

x and y 


Find the next number in the pattern: 1, 3, 11, 43, __



The time is now 2:36.  If Joshua studies for 2 hours and 40 minutes, what time does he finish?


A certain rectangle has a length of 6 cm, a width of 4 cm, and a height of 8 cm. What is the volume of the rectangle?
192 cubic centimeters

3/5 - 3/8



What is the first number listed in a coordinate pair? 

The x coordinate

You flip a coin two times. What is the probability that you get "tails" two times in a row? (Express your answer as either a fraction or a percentage)

1/4 or 25%


The rug in Austin's hallway measures 3 and a half yards long.  How long is the rug in inches?  

126 inches

A cube has a base area of 25 cm squared. It also has a height of 5 cm. What is the volume of the cube?
125 cubic centimeters
4/10 + 7/3 (Write as a simplified mixed number)
2 and 11/15

What is the second number listed in a coordinate pair? 

The y coordinate


The width of a rectangle is 12 meters. If the length is 1.5 times the width, what is the perimeter of the rectangle?

60 meters


Mike's large pet cat Scruffy weighs a massive 30 pounds.  Scruffy then goes on a diet for a few months and loses exactly 1/8 of his body weight.  How much does he weigh now? (Write your answer as a mixed number)  

26 and 2/8 OR 26 and 1/4 pounds

Mr. Torhan is making a crate for his dog. He needs the dimensions of the crate to be 3 x 2 x 4, all measured in feet. What is the volume, in cubic feet, of the crate?
24 cubic feet
9/4 - 2/7 (Write as a simplified mixed number)
1 and 27/28

If I am plotting the coordinate pair (3, 7),  I will start at the origin and go 3 spaces ____ and 7 spaces ____.   

On the x axis and 7 spaces on the y axis OR to the right and 7 spaces up.  


The local track team has 20 members.  If the coach chooses two players randomly to compete in the sprint, how many different combinations of two players can be picked? 

380 different combinations


Three friends go to a book fair.  Allen spends $2.60.  Maria spends 4 times as much as Allen.  Martin spends $3.45 less than Maria.  How much does Martin spend? 


Don has a rectangular water glass that holds 60 cubic inches of water. If the glass has a width of 3 inches, and a length of 2 inches, what is the height of the glass?
10 inches
Write the following as a simplified mixed number: Mary is making a garden. 12/20 acres of it are roses, 6/10 acres are lillies, and 3/4 acres are sunflowers. How many acres of flowers does she have in total?
1 and 19/20 acres

What is the name for the two numbers that determine where a point on the graph is located?  

A coordinate pair