Encounter Group
Phase Groups
Morning Meeting

A TC Jargon that describes creating a written request to confront someone about problems that need to be resolved.

What is "dropping slips"?


The minimum amount of a time a client can be in C, B or A group prior to phasing up.

What is "30 days"?


The people in the therapeutic community members of the family.

What is a "client?"


The time that all LTR morning meetings start across all Integrity House Programs.

What is "8:00 am"?


Being truthful with yourself and others.

What is "Honesty"?

Sitting up straight with your hands on your knees, making eye contact with your feet on the floor during an encounter.

What is "sitting receptive?"


In this phase, the client's goal is to focus on self, understanding the TC, and learning to utilize the tools the TC offers.

What is "Orientation Phase"?


Stories glamorizing drug or alcohol trips.

What is a "war story"?


The morning meeting reading featuring the phrase "Life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we react to it."

What is "Attitude"?


This concept is defined as "Being able to learn from the mistakes of self and others" and is best demonstrated through the concept of mutual help in group therapy.

What is "Experience"?


The term used by a facilitator when a client being encountered is making faces (i.e. rolling eyes, shaking their head, etc.)

What is "Fix Your Face"?

In this phase group, clients are first eligible to serve on structure.

What is "C Group"?


A sign of approval and recognition for a task well done; a “pat on the back”, a push-up.

What is a "positive stroke"?


The packet of all morning meeting readings provided to clients.

What is a "Passport"?


Showing honest care for a person even though they make mistakes and might not appreciate your help.

What is "loving concern"?


The reponse given when a client says "Let me paint the family a picture."

What is "Paint Us A Picture Picasso"?


The goal of this phase group is utilizing house tools to cope with day-to-day frustration, including problems in the TC and related problems with significant others. This Group should be assisting staff in running groups, seminars, and family activities.

What is "B Group"


A client exemplifying this term may be just "hanging out" until they hit the 4-6 month mark or until they are released.

What is "Longshoeing"?


The morning meeting reading that tells you what will change in recovery, defined by repeated use of the concept "_______ instead of _________."

What is "The Rewards"?


A group where the concept of "openness", defined as "Being open-minded; the ability to give and receive constructive criticism" is most clearly displayed.

What is encounter group?


The term used when the person conducting the encounter wants feedback from the person being encountered.

What is a "challenge"?


The idea that nothing in a TC (except basic human rights, i.e., voting, church, eating, sleeping) is awarded without being earned.

What is the "privilege system" or "upward mobility"?


A client may demonstrate this term by trying to talk to every counselor about their problems instead of waiting until their designated session day.

What is "leaking"?


A second presentation that accompanies the reading of a client's life story.

What is a "Big Brother/Sister Introduction"?


Something assigned by staff to facilitate the concept of "responsibility", defined as "Being accountable for your own actions and able to handle obligations."

What is a "Learning Experience"?