If this then that
What if

Should current files be kept on site or off site?

On site


How many members are allowed in the bathroom at one time?

1 member


If a kindergartener goes inside without a group inside, what do you do? 

Bring a small group inside to take them to the bathroom (while maintaining ratio)


What if a member bolts out the door and heads towards the street in the middle of program: Is it okay to follow the member?

Yes, follow the member and attempt resolution


If a parent wants to add a week of summer camp, which form is needed?

Summer Camp add/change/cancel


If it is 7 months past time of service, should the files be kept on site or off site?

Anything past 6 months can be kept off-site


Should staff ever have a 1:1 ratio with members?

No one-on-one situations can occur


If a member climbs up a slide, or jumps off the top of the monkey bars, staff will

discourage the behavior due to safety concerns. 


What if a member is throwing chairs in the room: Do you allow members to continue their activity or move all members to another space?

Move all members to another space due to safety concerns

If a new family wants to sign up for summer camp, how many applications are needed?
Step 1: yearly enrollment form

Step 2: summer camp enrollment form


In addition to current staff and the director's files, which other file should be kept on site/on the person

Region coordinator file (Jimmy's file)


What is the time frame of snack time as listed on the menu? 



If a member punches another member, how should this be documented?

Behavior Report and Injury Report


What if a member runs from you at a beach smiling, laughing, and seeing if you'll chase them?

Do not chase as the child may interpret the running away as a game.


Generally, when do you fill out a mileage reimbursement form?

If you drive from one site to another (staff coverage/etc)


Should behavior and injury reports be kept in the member's file? 

No - kept in a separate file for reports


When does Bob need snack orders? 

Noon on the Tuesday following when the snack orders were sent. 


If the school does not have access to water, what are 3 ways you should contact families?

Facebook, email blast (or constant contact), direct phone calls


What if members are sneaking each other their snacks from home?

Remind the members that there is a policy against sharing food from home. 


If a family wants to cancel a week of summer, which form is needed AND how many weeks are needed in advance? 

Summer Add/Change/Cancel

3 weeks notice to avoid full weekly rate (25$ fee)


What are 3 items which need to be in a staff file?

Resume, job description, training certificates, CPR certificate, etc


What are 3 aspects of POS sheets which are required?

DOB, member's first and last name, time in, time out, pick up person, snack check


If a member is facetiming someone on their phone or watch, then the staff will...

Ask who the person is and if they are not on the authorized pickup list, ask the member to stop the facetime.


What if a member repeatedly tries to sit on your lap?

Remind them that staff need their space and stick to your boundary. Offer other avenues of comfort.


If a family wants to cancel after school program, which form is needed and how many weeks are needed in advance?

Program Cancellation form

2 weeks notice (billing occurs for 2 weeks after submittal)