Child Abuse Prevention Policy
One-on-One Interaction Policy
Supervision & Facility Policy
Incidents & Emergencies
Miscellaneous Policies

Definition of Child Abuse

is when an adult or another child, whether through action or by failing to act, causes serious emotional or physical harm to a child. Sexual abuse or misconduct may include but is not limited to:


Definition of One-on-One Interaction

One-on-one interaction is defined as any private contact or communication (including electronic communication) between any Club participant and an adult, including adult staff, minor staff, volunteers, board members and others who might encounter members during regular programming and activities.


How does the club ensure that adults and children are not in the restrooms at the same time? 

There is a separate adult restroom with a lock and key that children do not have access to. 


Where is our Central Meeting Location in case of emergency? 

GWC Track Field, Blacktop Area will be used as a secondary meeting location in the case the GWC Track is not viable. 


Are staff allowed to transport a child in your personal vehicle? 

The Club only transports youth in Club vehicles or other vehicles approved by Club leadership to and from the Clubhouse and various approved off-site locations.


Definition of Grooming

is when someone builds an emotional connection with a child to gain their trust for the purposes of sexual abuse, sexual exploitation, or trafficking. Grooming behaviors may include but are not limited to: 

-Targeting specific youth for special attention, activities, or gifts. 

-Isolating youth from family members and friends physically or emotionally. This can include one-on- one interactions such as sleepovers, camping trips and day activities. 

-Gradually crossing physical boundaries, full-frontal hugs that last too long, lap sitting or other “accidental” touches.


What is the Club's Policy for One-on-One Interaction? 

Boys & Girls Clubs of Huntington Valley prohibits isolated one-on-one interaction between Club participants and staff or volunteers, including board members.


How does the club monitor entrance and exit points? 

All facility entries and exits shall be controlled and monitored by staff during all hours of operation. Doors that open to the outside of the facility have an alarm in place. 


What is the Club's main priority in the event of an emergency? 

The Club's main priority shall be the safety of its members and staff.


What is our Drug & Alcohol Policy?

The organization maintains a drug- and alcohol-free workplace.Employees are prohibited from reporting to work or working while under the influence of alcohol and/or illegal or unauthorized drugs.


What do you do if you suspect child abuse? 

As an employee of Boys & Girls Clubs of Huntington Valley, you are considered a “mandated reporter" so are required to report any incidents of obvious or suspected child abuse or neglect, in addition, you should immediately report any instances of suspected child abuse or neglect to your supervisor.  


How can you adjust mentoring to fit our one-on-one policy?

-Holding mentor and coaching sessions in areas where other staff and/or members are present or can see you – for example, in large rooms where meetings are visible but not heard. 

-Copying parents, staff, or other members (when appropriate) on written and/or electronic communications. 

-Scheduling meetings during Club hours and at the Club site. 

-Documenting interactions between mentors and youth.


What is one best practice for monitoring restroom usage? 

Restrooms shall be regularly monitored by Club staff and leadership. Monitoring includes walk-throughs, inspections and/or any (but not necessarily all) of the best practices outlined below: 

-Limit the number of children using restrooms at the same time. 

-Discourage younger children and teens from sharing a restroom.


What are three examples of a Safety Incident?

Safety incidents can include but are not limited to: 

-Inappropriate activity between adults (18 and over) and youth. 

-Inappropriate activity between multiple youth. ● Allegations of abuse. 

-Bullying behavior. 

-Inappropriate electronic communications between adults (18 or over) and youth. 

-Minor and major medical emergencies. 

-Accidents, including slips and falls. 

-Threats made by or against staff, volunteers and/or members. 

-Physical assaults and injuries, including fights. 

-Missing children. 

-Criminal activity, including theft and robbery


What is our Smoking Policy?

Smoking is not permitted within any facility building, parking lot or ground owned or operated by the company. This policy specifically extends to electronic cigarettes (“e-cigarettes”) or any other personal vaporizing devices.


What are the required trainings by BGCA for mandated reporting?

-Abuse Prevention Refresher

-Keeping your Boys & Girls Club Safe

-Duty to Report: Mandated Reporting Training

-Abuse Risk Management 


What are the exceptions to the One-on-One Policy?

-When the emotional or physical safety of a member is at risk and a private, one-on-one communication is deemed necessary by Club leadership. 

-In emergency situations that could create a safety risk, exceptions can be made (e.g., if a member is not picked up by a parent and leaving them alone at the Club could be a safety risk)


What should be done with unused spaces/rooms during operating hours? 

Areas that are not in use shall remain locked and only accessible by adult staff. All storage closets and other unused spaces are to be locked during operational hours.


What is our policy for Internal Incident Reporting? 

Any employee or volunteer who becomes aware of an incident, as defined in this policy, shall immediately complete an incident report, and submit the incident to Unit/Program Director. 


What is the Technology Use Agreement acceptable usage for Staff?

Excessive use of personal mobile or electronic devices (“mobile devices”) during the workday can interfere with employee productivity and be distracting to others. Employees are, therefore, prohibited from using mobile devices for personal purposes during working hours except in an emergency. Other exceptions include communicating with supervisor on fieldtrips or when at schools. 


What is the top priority of the Club?

The physical and emotional safety of its members.


When exceptions need to be made to the One-on-One policy, what should be done to monitor interactions?

-Disclosing the meeting to Club leadership and regularly checking in with the member and adult during conversations. 

-Placing time limits on conversations. 

-Meeting in rooms with clear sight lines (e.g., rooms with windows or glass doors). 

-Documenting the interaction. 

-In an emergency, disclosing the situation to another staff member before engaging in one-on-one interaction.


What are the ratios listed in our employee handbook?

1 to 20 for regular programming

1 to 10 on field trips

1 to 15 for teams and clubs


What is our Policy for Critical Incident Reporting? (ex. child abuse, criminal activity, etc.)

Each Member Organization shall immediately report any allegation of abuse or potential criminal matter to law enforcement. In addition, each Member Organization shall report the critical incidents to BGCA within 24 hours.


What is the Technology Use Agreement acceptable usage for children? 

Club devices and personally owned devices are permitted for use during approved Club times for Club purposes and in approved locations only. Members may not use any technology to harass, threaten, demean, humiliate, intimidate, embarrass, or annoy their peers or others in their community.