Children may have access to toys with strings or cords in accordance with the following:
(1) For infants, strings and cords may be up to 6 inches in length;
(2) For toddlers and children age 3 years through 5 years, strings and cords may be up to 12
inches in length, or any length for an adult-directed activity; and
(3) For children over 5 years of age, strings and cords may be any length.
(i) The only exception to (h)(2) above is children 3 years of age and older may have use of
housekeeping or dramatic play items, including, but not limited to aprons and purses with ties or straps
greater than 12 inches, provided these items are not accessible to children younger than 3 years of age.
What is the licensing rule regarding toys with strings or cords?