120 Minutes
What is the daily time commitment for CKLA for grades K-3?
To establish classroom expectations.
What is the purpose of creating a class charter?
Self-Awareness, Self-Management, Responsible Decision Making, Relationship Skills, Social Awareness
What are the five SEL competencies mentioned?
To ensure that core programs and district standards are taught consistently.
What is the purpose of following the district pacing guide?
Conduct schoolwide reteaching of the expectation matrix.
What should teachers do to reinforce expected behaviors after long breaks and as needed?
Mood meter and meta moment posters.
What should be posted and used in the classroom to help students with emotions?
60 minutes.
What is the recommended daily time for i-Ready Mathematics?
Problem-solving skills.
What should staff teach to help students differentiate between tattling and reporting?
Culturally Responsive Teaching Practices and Neuro-Diverse Affirming Teaching Practices.
What type of teaching practices should be increased for culturally responsive education?
iReady, student graphs, goal sheets
How might students track their academic progress?
Three times a year.
How often should behavior progress be monitored using the behavior screener?
Open communication and fair treatment.
What is one way to nurture a climate of trust in the classroom?
Active supervision or behavior specific praise.
What is a strategy to support students' active engagement in the classroom?
Show empathy.
Name one of the key actions to take when responding to challenging behaviors.
Nurturing open communication among students and staff.
What is a key strategy for building mutual respect in the classroom?