Which are the four logic principles?
Principle of Identity
Principle of non-Contradiction
Priciple of Excluded Middle (third excluded)
Principle of Sufficient Reason
What capacity make us possible to choose which thoughts to share and how interact with people?
The communicative capacity
What is the thought?
All the mental process that occurs due to intellect and rationality.
What are the falacies?
Are the incorrect reasoning because they appear to comply with validity and logical principles.
Are wrong arguments that seem correct too.
Who proposed the syllogsm?
What is the Principle of Identity about?
The words and inferences must have the same and unique meaning throughout them. It affirms that what is, is.
How is call the relationship between mind and body?
Human rationality
Which are the elements of thought?
Concept, judgment, and reasoning.
Who is the philosopher that definded the fallacies?
Irving Copi.
How many types of syllogism are?
4 types
What is the Principle of non-Contradiction about?
Is impossible affirm that a proposition is true and false at the same time.
The transmission of knowledge and learning among human beings is possible through _________.
What is a concept?
The mental representation of an object, and its the simplest element of thought.
Which is the type of fallacy that consists in generalizating from very observed cases?
False generalization
All birds fly. This is an example of _____________ syllogism.
Universal Affirmative
What the Principle of Excluded Middle is about?
It says that when we have 2 statements that contradict each other, necessarily one of them must be false and the other must be true.
What is linguistics?
Is the science specialized for the study of human lenguage, and uses the Logic to understand the structures of thought.
What is judgment?
Is a complex mental operation that enunciates the relationship that exist between 2 or more concpets.
What is the fallacy of appeal to ignorance about?
Is used when it is intented to offer the ignorance of something as an explanation of evade responsability.
What serves as a comparison between the both premisses, and is not on the conclusion?
The middle term.
What is the Principle of Sufficent Reason about?
To decide if a premiss is true or false, it is neccesary to have reasons to support such a decision.
What is abstraction?
Is the mental process through which some particular qualities of an object are mentally separated to focus on specific common characteristics.
What is reasoning?
Is one of the most complex mental operations since it implies the coherent relation between two judgments.
Which are the 8 types of fallacies?
Attack to the person.
Appeal to popularity.
False generalization.
Petition of principle.
Appeal to force.
Appeal to emotions.
Appeal to ignorance.
Appeal to authority.
"It does not present more than three terms". It is a condition that satisfies a _____________________.
Valid syllogistic argument.