It can be defined as all that mental process that occurs due to intellect and rationality.
Where is the predicate of the conclusion or Major Term (P).
Generally this premiss is presented first.
Major Premiss
You are you
This sentence is an example of...
Principle of identity
Referring to any condition of the person who issues an opinion and ignoring the content of what he says, is often very common when we no longer have reasonable elements to refute the argument.
Attack to the person
This logic deals with analyzing formally valid reasonings based on their propositions.
Propositional Logic
It is the intellectual capacity that is responsible for interrelate different views to solve problems, draw logical conclusions and new knowledge by establishing causal and logical connections between ideas or between facts perceived by experience.
Where is the subject of the conclusion or Minor Term (S).
Minor premiss
A living being is mortal because it is not immortal
This sentence is an example of...
Principle of non-Contradiction
Everyone in my town thinks that raising animals to fight is not mortal
It is an example of...
Appeal to popularity
This logic focuses on the relationships between a quantity and the propositions, distinguishing between individuals and their predicates.
Quantificational Logic
This term means the mental representation of an object, and it is the simplest element of thought.
It serves as a comparison between both premises, however, it does not go to the conclusion.
Middle Term (M)
Today it is cloudy or not cloudy
This sentence is an example of...
Principle of Excluded Middle (third excluded)
This fallacy consists in generalizing from very few observed cases.
False generalization
This logic focuses on indicating the belonging or non-belonging of an element within a set, according to the properties it shares with it.
Class Logic
It is a complex mental operation that enunciates the relationship that exists between two or more concepts.
It is where the relation between S and P is established, considering that M does not appear in this proposition.
My neighbor is convinced that the Earth is flat, her reason is not enough to make it true
This sentence is an example of...
Principle of Sufficient Reason
This fallacy seeks to expose an idea that moves the feeling or pity instead of offering reasons.
Appeal to Emotions
Examples of expressions used in quantificational logic.
All, some
Propositions that offer reasons, justify and lead to the conclusion.
What is the conclusion?
Worhty of respect are all the animals.
My cat is an animal.
My cat deserves respect
To decide that a premiss is true or false, it is necessary to have reasons to support such a decision. It is necessary to have foundations, based on other knowledge or reasons already demonstrated.
Principle of Sufficient Reason
I did not know that running a red light was illegal
This sentence is an example of...
Appeal to ignorance
How can class logic be represented?
It can be represented in Venn diagrams