Multiple Choice
True or False
Fill-in-the-Blanks Questions
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Why is traditional burning by Aboriginal Peoples considered sustainable?

  • a) It clears large areas for farming
  • b) It prevents large bushfires by reducing fuel loads
  • c) It increases the temperature of the soil
  • d) It promotes rapid plant regrowth

It prevents large bushfires by reducing fuel loads


Sustainable agricultural practices help to maintain soil fertility over time.

  • Answer: True

_____________ energy is a form of renewable energy that comes from the sun.

  • Answer: Solar

What type of energy source is considered renewable?

  • a) Coal
  • b) Natural gas
  • c) Solar power
  • d) Nuclear energy

Solar power


Which of these is a common method of sustainable waste management?

  • A) Burning trash
  • B) Using single-use plastics
  • C) Composting food scraps
  • D) Dumping waste in rivers

If you get this question correct, recieve 500 points

Composting food scraps


Which of these waste management practices is most sustainable?

  • a) Landfilling
  • b) Incineration
  • c) Recycling
  • d) Open dumping



Recycling is a form of sustainable waste management.

  • Answer: True

Sustainable waste management practices aim to reduce, __________, and recycle materials.



What can you do to help save water at home?

  • A) Leave the tap running
  • B) Take short showers
  • C) Water the garden all day
  • D) Use a lot of water when brushing your teeth



Which of the following is NOT a sustainable practice?

  • A) Using reusable shopping bags
  • B) Recycling glass bottles
  • C) Throwing plastic bottles in the red bin
  • D) Composting food waste

If you get this question wrong, lose 500 points

  • C) Throwing plastic bottles in the red bin

What is the primary benefit of sustainable fishing practices?

  • a) Maximizing short-term profits
  • b) Preventing overfishing
  • c) Increasing fish population diversity
  • d) Reducing water pollution

Preventing overfishing


Setting catch limits to avoid overfishing is not a sustainable fishing practices.  

  • Answer: False

Using _____________ materials for packaging can help reduce waste and support sustainability.

  • Answer: biodegradable
  • A. Sustainable agriculture

  • B. Waste management

  • C. Aboriginal practices

  • D. Renewable resources

  1. Resources that can be replenished naturally
  2. Methods used to manage and reduce waste
  3. Farming practices that maintain environmental health
  4. Traditional methods that support environmental sustainability
  • A - 3
  • B - 2
  • C - 4
  • D - 1

What is the purpose of recycling?

  • A) To create more trash
  • B) To use old items to make new ones
  • C) To make things dirty
  • D) To throw things away

Add 300 extra points if correct.

  • B) To use old items to make new ones

Which of the following is a sustainable agricultural practice?

  • a) Slash-and-burn agriculture
  • b) Crop rotation
  • c) Overgrazing
  • d) Monoculture farming
  • Crop rotation

Sustainable agricultural practices involve using more chemical fertilizers and pesticides

  • False

Incorporating __________ sources into commercial operations helps reduce carbon footprints.

  • Answer: renewable

Match the practice with its sustainable benefit:

  • A. Controlled burning

  • B. Composting

  • C. Solar energy

  • D. Water conservation

  1. Reduces greenhouse gas emissions
  2. Enriches soil and reduces landfill waste
  3. Promotes biodiversity and reduces bushfire risks
  4. Preserves water resources and reduces waste
  • A - 3
  • B - 2
  • C - 1
  • D - 4

Are you sure? 

Donate 100 points to every other team

What is the primary goal of sustainable agricultural practices?

  • A) Maximizing profit
  • B) Using resources without depleting them
  • C) Increasing land use
  • D) Expanding farm size
  • B) Using resources without depleting them

Using single-use plastics is considered a sustainable practice for waste management.

  • False
  • Composting helps turn food scraps into __________.

  • Answer: soil

Describe one method of sustainable waste management.

  • Answer: One method is recycling, which involves collecting, processing, and reusing materials to reduce waste and conserve resources.

Which action helps in energy conservation at home?

  • A) Leaving lights on when not in use
  • B) Using energy-efficient light bulbs
  • C) Using the aircon during the summer
  • D) Keeping doors and windows open while heating

If you get this correct, double your current points

Answer: B) Using energy-efficient light bulbs