The Latin word and its meaning from which we get durable, meaning strong.
What is durus, dura, durum, harsh or hard.
The Latin word and its meaning from which we get morbid, meaning sick.
What is morbus, morbi, illness?
At Aqua Sulis the mineral springs emerge from underground at a rate of over this many gallons a day.
What is a quarter of a million?
The Latin word and its meaning from which we get precious, meaning very meaningful and important.
What is pretium, pretii n. price?
The Latin word and its meaning from which we get effect, meaning to carry out.
What is efficio, efficere, effeci, effectus, meaning to carry out or accomplish?
The temperature of the spring is between these degrees Fahrenheit.
What is 104 and 121?
The Latin word and its meaning from which we get iussive or order.
What is iubeo, iubere, iussi, iussus to order?
The Latin word and its meaning from which we get sapient, meaning conscious.
What is sapiens, meaning wise?
The water we see today fell as rain this many years ago.
What is 10,000?
The Latin word and its meaning from which we get perennial, meaning throughout the year.
What is annus, anni, m. year?
The Latin word and its meaning from which we get adjunct, meaning helpful or helper.
What is adiuvo, adiuvare, adiuvi, to help?
The most important part of the bath complex was this.
What is the temple?
The meaning of the participle in "prīncipēs, ā rēge vocātī, ad aulam vēnērunt".
What is "having been called"?
The Latin word and its meaning from which we get gravity, meaning serious or heavy.
What is gravis, gravis, grave, heavy or serious?
The Latin word and its meaning from which we get fountain.
What is fons, fontis meaning fountain?
Visitors to the bath believed that a cure for their ailments depended on this.
What is divine favor?