appello, appellare, appellavi, appellatus
call, call out
Th ill-fated queen portrayed by Paris in this stage
This is the 1st person singular future active indicative of appello, appellare
What is appellabo?
ludi means..
What two tenses did we learn about in stage 33?
What are the future and future perfect tenses?
brevis, breve
short, brief
The profession of Paris
Pantomime actor, dancer
When not preceded by si, Portaverimus is translated as.....
What is "we will/shall have carried"?
charioteers carried this in case they crashed
What is a dagger/knife?
The maximum number of people that could have enjoyed a chariot race in 4th century AD, which is more than Beyonce's greatest concert attendance.
The friend of Paris
The person, number, and tense of audiverint
3rd person singular future perfect
the colors of the four teams in the Circus Maximus
whites, reds, blues, greens
(Domitian added purple and gold but didn't continue after his death)
translate: si milites mē viderint, fugiam
What is "if the soldiers see me, I will run"?
potestas, potestatis
Paris crawled through this opening to hide from Epaphroditus
When unsure of whether or not a verb is deponent, it may be helpful to look for this kind of case
What is an accusative?
In our book, seven of these could be found on the spīna and were used to keep track of the number of laps completed
What are eggs?
translate: fabula a hospitibus spectabatur
What is "the play was being watched by the guests"?
Paris' pet name for Domitia in Latin
The 2nd person plural pluperfect active indicative of reficio
What are munera?
gladiatorial shows
Although it is known as the Coliseum today, this monumental structure was originally known as...
What is the Flavian Amphitheatre?