Set Vocab
Elizabethan Stage
In The Background
Performance Spaces

This famous god was the deity honored for being the god of theater and festivals.

Who is Dionysus?

(aka Bacchus), (aka the God of Parties.) 


This type of stage elevates the actors on a slant so the audience can see all of the performers at the same time.

What is a "Raked Stage" 


This prolific writer was born in Stratford-upon-Avon, England

William Shakespeare


This piece of equipment can show photographic images on a wall on the back of the stage or on a screen.

What is a Projector


This type of theater space places the audience 360 degrees around the performing stage.

What is "Theater in the Round"


Because the stage and audience was so large, actors wore these to represent character.

What are "Masks"


This special arch looks like a picture frame on stage and sets the actors behind an imaginary "fourth wall"

Proscenium Arch


This type of theater covered the stage and the audience but did not have a roof.

What is an open-air theater.


This piece of fabric is on a fly in the back of the stage and can have images projected on them.

What is Cyclorama? 


This small space gets it's name from it's small size, color, and often square shape.

What is a "Black Box" theater?


This means "dancing place" and is the root word for the modern word for where musicians play in a theater.

What is "Orches"


This small door in the floor could have performers entering or exiting through the stage floor, and may represent the 'underworld'

What is the "Stage trap" or "trap door"

This famous theater was built in 1599 in England and was the venue for most of The Chamberlain's Men's productions.

The Globe Theatre.


This piece of fabric can be placed mid-stage and have an image on it to hide the scenery behind it, or have a light shine behind it to show the action upstage.

What is a "Scrim"


This type of theater, commonly used in Greek theater, held the audience in rising rows on three sides of the stage. The audience was elevated and the stage was flat.

What is "Amphitheater"?


This square space behind the performance space is where the actors stayed, between scenes, and translates to the meaning "Scene-Building".

What is the "Skene"


This is the area where actors would go to change or take a break between their scenes.

What is "backstage area"


Theater in this era is called Elizabethan because....

What is... it was performed for and in the time of Queen Elizabeth I's reign.

This type of large wood (or plastic) panel can be placed upstage or mid-stage to hide the scenery behind it while changing the scene in front of it. It is often painted with images.

What is a "Flat".

This more traditional style theater uses a barrier frame and elevated stage to separate the audience from the action. 

"End On" theater. 


"Proscenium Theater"


This pulley system was used to bring in or out a VIP character, often a God or celestial character. It often was used at the end of a play to resolve conflicts among characters.

Deus ex Machina or "God from the Machine"


This part of the stage is off to the left and right side of an elevated stage, is not seen by the audience, and used for entrances and exits.

What are "The Wings"

These people, called Groundlings, were the poorest of audiences so they stood to watch the show in this part of the theater.

What is "The Pit"


This pulley system was used commonly starting in the Elizabethan era to bring scenery 'In' or 'out' on stage, which means up or down.

What is a "Fly"?


This unique type of stage places audience on two sides of the performance with the stage in the center.

What is "Traverse" stage.