Stage Makeup
Stage Makeup
Stage Makeup
Stage Makeup
Stage Makeup
Because,without makeup while you are preforming the stage lights makes your face look pale and blank.
Why do people have to wear makeup on stage?
Covers face. Used to represent characters/people other than the actor.
What is a mask?
Main Character... (If you don't get this, You have been living under a rock :)
Who is Oedipus?
A wealthy producer who provide funds for costumes, rehearsal and other production needs.
Who is the Choregus?
Where Laius is killed.
What happened at the place where 'the three roads meet'?
Staging area for the actors. Also means dancing, raving, and raging.
What is the Orchestra?
People wear mask because it expresses what type of character they are being.
Why do people wear mask?
To make there self become the character they are playing on stage.
What is the MAIN REASON actors use stage makeup?
Because there is oil on our fingers and that will bust the stage lights.
Why shouldn't we touch the stage lights.
The place where Oedipus was left to die,
What is Mount Cithaeron?
Putty makeup is when actor put makeup on there face to make them stand out or to make there face standout more.
what is putty makeup?
The two shepherds Oedipus meets.
Who are the Corinthian Messanger and Merope?
They are so in case there is some wrong with something backstage and people need to stall you can use the walkie talkie to communicate with each other.
What are the walkies talkies for?
The grid is where they keep there extra technical things
What is the grid for?
Pieces of painted scenery
What are Pinakes?
Baby powder!!
You can set clown white makeup by using a sock filled with what?
The face
What part of the body identifies us to others?
The stage bucket is in case an actor or actress has left there music in there bag and Mrs.Mackewits has to go up and down the stairs,she lowers the bucket and you put your music into it.
What is the stage bucket for?
Does the sound board work in the black box?
technical theater is wen a person words with lights and the camera and other things backstage of a theater or helping with the technological stuff backstage.
What is technical theater?
One she has to its part of her lesson plan.Two she wants us to be better at technical theater and if we want to audience for tech next year.
Why is Mrs.Muesing teaching us technical theater?
Body lanuage
Nonverbal communication and blank reflect thoughts and feelings
It helps tune the actors voice and the microphone.
What is the sound board for?
the catwalk is for the grand fanaile you can throw things like flowers,in case you want to replace the light bulbs its up there it just makes things more convenient for people.
What is the catwalk for?