Describe the precontemplation stage
- Denial of the problem
- No interest in changing
- May see their behavior/addiction as under control
The ________ stage involves taking significant steps to end the behavior of interest.
Today's stages of change model has five stages
False. The revised version of the model includes six stages:
precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, maintenance, relapse
Maggie has been in recovery for alcohol for two years. Over the weekend, Maggie decided to try out of the online dating scene and agreed to get drinks with a potential match. She has a history of problematic drinking, but decided to agree to the date anyway in fear of rejection or judgment if she discloses she is in recovery. During the date, Maggie consumed three alcoholic beverages. The following day, Maggie felt a lot of guilt and called her sponsor for support.
What stage of change is Maggie at? Why?
- Used her drug of choice
What are some activities or actions you could engage in during the action stage of your recovery?
- Develop relapse prevention plan
- Attend therapy and outside meetings
- Discover hobbies
- Practice honesty with support network
What stage of change involves creating a plan towards change?
Preparation stage
People in the contemplation stage may be aware the problem exists, but is not committed to ________ towards change
The contemplation stage is described as being in denial of the problem
False. We would describe the precontemplation stage as denial. During the contemplation stage, you are aware of the problem and considering working towards change.
Bobby has been in recovery for three years. Bobby regularly attends NA meetings and is interested in becoming a sponsor himself. Bobby has picked up a few hobbies throughout recovery, including hiking, tending to his backyard garden, and baking. When Bobby experiences a trigger or craving, he uses his coping skills of deep muscle relaxation and journaling.
What stage of change is Bobby in? Why?
- Sober from drug of choice for a long period of time
- Finds pleasure in other activities
- Recovery part of daily living
Describe the contemplation stage
- Uncertainty towards change
- Know there is a problem but not yet committed to change
- Actively considering the possibility of change and what that may look like
- May still have reasons to engage in problematic behavior
Describe what the maintenance stage would look like for someone in recovery
- Sober from drug of choice
- Recovery part of daily living (attend meetings, engage in activities that support structure/balance, etc.)
- Relapse prevention plan in place
The ________ stage follows the preparation stage
You can always edit your plan of action
True. Goals and ways to implement them change as we learn more about ourselves and the process.
John is recently going through a break up with his romantic partner. John shared that his romantic partner ending things because she thinks John has a problem with drinking. John said that he drinks multiple times a week to relax and does not see it as a problem. John has called into work and missed other responsibilities due to drinking behaviors.
What stage of change is John in? Why?
Precontemplation stage
- denial of problem
- consequences related to drinking
- not interested in changing behavior
Is the transtheoretical model of change only for substance use?
No. The model can be applied to any behavioral change.
What stage of change involves using your drug of choice?
Precontemplation, contemplation, or relapse stage
A _____ can happen during any stage
Triggers and cravings should stop when you reach the maintenance stage
False. Triggers and cravings may still occur, especially during times of stress. During the maintenance stage you may have a better understanding of how to handle triggers/cravings. By this point, you know what coping skills work and don't work.
Dina has been court ordered to attend an IOP for substance use. Dina understands why she may need treatment, but she is scared to stop using her substance of choice. She identified positives of using, such as the ability to numb her emotions, hangout with her friends all day, and avoid withdrawals. Dina also identified that using has negatively impacted her ability to hold a job and be in good standing with her family.
What stage of change is Dina in? Why?
- Considering possibility of change
- Aware that she has a problem but is resistant to change
- Reflecting on pros/cons of current behavior
Describe one thing you can do during the preparation stage when you have the goal of discontinuing substance use
- build support system
- schedule mental health or AODA appts
- Dispose of paraphernalia
What stage of change is described as experiencing uncertainty toward change. The individual knows there is a problem, but is not yet to committed to addressing the problem.
A relapse can be described as a __________________ (two words)
learning experience
It is common for people to follow the stages in order
False. It is normal and common for people to return to previous stages. For example, you may relapse and move to preparation stage to revise your plan of action or relapse prevention plan.
Joan is working towards having a healthier diet. While grocery shopping, Joan makes sure to avoid the aisles that have snacks and junk food. She spends every Sunday evening meal prepping nutritious choices for the week. When her friends ask Joan out to dinner, she checks the menu ahead of time to ensure she has healthy options.
What stage of change is Joan in? Why?
Action stage
- Using strategies to prevent problematic behaviors
- Actively implementing plan of healthy eating
The stages of change model is also called the...
transtheoretical model of change