Immediate vs Long term effect

What did the Stamp Act do?

The Stamp Act put taxes on EVERY piece of paper.


What is tax?

money that people have to pay the government. 


Why were the soldiers willing to guard?

King George III were paying the soldiers with the tax money


What the Stamp Act caused the colonists to care about

The Stamp Act caused them to care more about the rules and laws rulers make


What are the Appalachian Mountains?

The Appalachian Mountains are a large mountain range; west of the colonies.


What was the proclamation of 1763?

When King George III stated that colonists could not settle lands west of the Appalachian Mountains


Why were the colonists angry?

Because they were raising money for soldiers to guard without approval of the colonial legislatures/didn't get a say


What happened for a long time after the Stamp Act

  • Far more troublesome taxation in the future

  • Colonists united

What were one of the political factors in the Stamp Act?

1. Taxes were always decided by representatives in the parliament

2. Colonists did not have any representatives in the Parliament.

3. Colonists didn’t have a say in a decision concerning them.


The definition of settlement of land

people who settle in a new colony or moves into a new country


one of the things that happened after the French and Indian War

Things that happened after the French and Indian War

  • Huge debts

  • King George had to tax the colonists even more than before

  • Reversal of salutary neglect


What the colonists think about the Stamp Act

- Colonists saw it as an attempt to raise money without approval from the colonists

- The colonists were outraged at this new tax imposed on them without their consent


What were geographical factors that affected the Stamp Act

  • The Appalachian Mountains are a large mountain range; west of the colonies.

  • The red line on the map is the invisible line the Proclamation of 1763 was about.


What is colonial legislatures?

The legislatures that controlled the salary of the governor and often used this influence to keep the governors in line with colonial wishes.


The reason why King George III establish the Stamp Act

Answers may vary

  • he taxed the colonist because they had to pay the British soldiers to stop the colonist from settling beyond the Appalachian Mountains

  • But this angered the colonist because they wanted to go there and they already bought land on the other side. But King George III stopped them to prevent more clashes between the settlers and the natives 


What did the public do about the Stamp Act?

Had a lot of public debate about rights and governments


How did the Stamp Act affect colonist's lives?

They had to change to an alternative.


The definition of Parliament

An assembly of representatives, usually of an entire nation, that makes laws.


How it all connected(King George III, The Proclamation of 1763, the Stamp Act, the soldiers, and the tax)

King George III started the Stamp Act and the Proclamation of 1763. The Proclamation of 1763 had soldiers and the soldiers used the Stamp Act to get funds or tax as payment. The Stamp Act had tax/funds for the Proclamation of 1763 to fund the soldiers enforcing it.


Why did the Stamp Act cause the colonists to want independence and freedom?

Answers may vary, example answer

It caused them to want to get away from Britain's rules and control over them, because now the British had added tax without asking them.