Identifying Emotions
Cognitive Flexibility
Exposure Therapy
UP Misc

What are the 3 components of emotion?

Thoughts, physical sensations and behaviors


What is the definition of mindfulness?

Paying attention to the present moment, on purpose, non-judgmentally.


What are automatic thoughts?

Our initial reaction to situations based on the immediate evidence of a situation


What is exposure therapy?

Facing the thing you are afraid of in order to gain learning experiences that you can handle it!


What does SMART goal setting stand for?

Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time Bound


What is the ARC model of emotions?

Antecedent, response, consequences


How can mindfulness help with anxiety?

Allow you to be aware of your emotion and make decisions more clearly.


What is the thinking trap where you may believe you know what the future holds without adequate evidence?

Jumping to conclusions


What is a SUDS rating for?

Subjective Units of Distress to rate the difficulty level of your exposures


What are safety behaviors?

Doing things that alleviate some anxiety just by doing them or having them (having water, packing things for "just in case" or having someone go with you places.


What are action urges for emotions?

The biological urges we feel as human beings to act on our emotions. Fear = run away.


What are the observe and describe skills of mindfulness?

Checking in with yourself about what you are feeling and where you are feeling it. Putting words to your experience in a non-judgmental way.


What thinking trap entails assuming that we know what other people are thinking or how they are judging us?

Mind reading


What are the 3 types of exposures?

In-vivo, imaginal and interoceptive


How does self-compassion come into play with anxiety treatment?

If we are judgmental of ourselves and our anxiety we will feel worse about it, leading to more avoidance. Self-compassion allows us to engage more fully and honestly.


What are emotionally driven behaviors?

Behaviors that are heavily influenced by our emotions, such as avoidance.


What does it mean to do something "one-mindfully"?

Not multi-tasking, doing one thing at a time and being in the present moment while doing that one thing.


What are core beliefs?

Ongoing schemas of how we view ourselves that may have been formed in childhood and underlie our automatic thoughts.


What are some tips to build a successful exposure hierarchy?

Pick actionable tasks, be consistent with your tasks, rate your SUDS levels appropriately


What is the difference between overt and subtle avoidance?

Overt is actually cancelling something, subtle is going but being preoccupied or caught up in your head or in another avoidance tactic


What are alternative actions to emotionally driven behaviors?

Doing what is going to be effective in situations, not what our emotions want us to do. Choosing to engage instead of avoiding a feared situation.


Why would we choose to be mindfully aware of our discomfort?

To be able to understand it, not-judge it and have a moment to reflect before acting on it.


What are some ways to challenge our thinking?

Asking ourselves questions like: Is this accurate, do I have all of the evidence, what is the evidence for and against this thoughts, how likely is it that this will happen?


What is inhibitory learning?

The learning we get from successful exposure tasks, where our new memories of coping successfully out-way our old memories of not being able to face our fears. This new knowledge increased our competence!


What type of reinforcement maintains anxiety?

Negative reinforcement - by avoiding things we learn to escape our negative feelings which continues to reinforce our avoidance, leading it to increase.