Westward Exp
Civil War

Mentality that a lot of Americans shared during the Westward Expansion movement that justified taking land 

What is a Manifest Destiny


The annexing of California as a free state and the Fugitive Slave Act are both items from which Compromise?

What is the Great Compromise of 1850


On July 18, 1863, this group of soldiers led an assault on the Confederate Battery Wagner in Charleston Harbor thus leading to 180,000 black men fighting for the Union.

who are the 54th Massachusetts?

Spreading fear and intimidating African Americans was this terrorist's methods

Who is the KKK


Establishing a national bank, internal improvements, create a protective tariff are points of what plan created by Henry Clay?

What is the American System?


This landmark supreme court decision created a precedent that all slaves would remain slaves no matter which state they were in. 

What is the Dred Scott V. Sandford decision?


railroads, industry, political leadership are the strengths of this region of the country 

what is the North?


While slavery did not exist after the Civil War, what system developed in the South that was nearly identical to Slavery?

What is Sharecropping?


To prevent further European colonization and control of independent nations in the Western Hemisphere this policy was created by President James Monroe.

what is the Monroe Doctrine?


After attempting to free slaves and arm them, this early abolitionist was captured by Robert E. Lee and sentenced to hang by the Southerners

Who is John Brown


Blockade Southern ports, Capture the capital of Richmond, Divide the South in two the Mississippi river are parts of what plan?

what is the Anaconda Plan?

What do the 12,13,14, and 15th amendments do?

12: VP and President must be on two seperate ballots

13: Gets rid of slavery

14: African Americans get citizenship

15: Black men get the right to vote


In order to gain the land of California and its neighboring territories, President Polk did this dramatic gesture to tease the Mexican Army

What is crossing the Mexican border and luring Mexico into war. 


Trail of tears, Nullification Crisis, and Bank War are all part of whose presidency?

who is King Jackson 


This speech was given by President Lincoln to honor those who lost their lives in the deadliest battle

what is the Gettysburg Address?


Establishing schools in the rural South is part of this group's legacy.

what is the Freedman's Bureau?


Which group of people below can be most closely associated with The Declaration of Sentiments?

who are Lucretia Mott, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Margaret Pryor 


Which region of the United States saw the most extensive railroad development by the 1850s?

What is the North?


This document "Freed the Slaves" but only in areas of rebellion.

what is the Emancipation Proclamation? 

The Compromise of 1877 saw Rutherford B. Hayes remove Federal troops in the South, what did Hayes and the Republicans gain from this?

Rutherford B. Hayes became President