Downtime Process
Priority List Weekday
Priority List Weekend/Holiday
First Business Day Following DT or Holiday
Past Presentations

The URCM will manually enter an InterQual review in a Documentation noted and send IPAS referrals using...

What is Message Center


(All Day): Mortality Notification, CC44, IPO

OBS/OPB Admission and CS Reviews

IP Admission Reviews from Yesterday

NICU Admission Reviews

What is Tier 1


Maternity CS Reviews

All Other CS Reviews

What is Tier 3


Conduct a retro Episode Day 1 (ED1) review

Follow appropriate IP URPG

NICU/SCN cases will need retro review, including AC level, for all days not completed

What is Inpatient PSO


Verify the procedure listed on the R1 email is the procedure completed

What is Confirm IPO Procedure


URCM caseloads are typically following a period of Interqual downtime or Holiday are often ............ from the typical UR workload.

What is Increased


Proactive Care Model Reviews: PEHP, SelectHealth CS

URPG-1 and URPG-2 CS Reviews

URPG-3 CS Reviews

What is Tier 3


(All Day): Mortality Notification, CC44, IPO

OBS/OPB Admission and Daily OBS Reviews

IP Admission Reviews from Yesterday

NICU Reviews (Admission and CS)

What is Tier 1


Follow appropriate OBS/OPB URPG

If pt is admitted before 1530 on prior day, a retro ED1 IP review is required

   -If meets IP criteria and patient is NOT DCing, pursue an IP PSO

   -If patient does not meet IP and is NOT DCing, follow URPG and refer to IPAS when 2MN confirmed. Request determination for both ED1, Current day reviewing


Planned IP Procedure, Panned TKA or THA, Planned or Unplanned OPB, "Inpatient Only", Vag Delivery, Planned or Unplanned C-Section, General Inpatient Hospice, Organ Donation, Planned Chemo, SH Products, OP Overflow from OP Areas, Unable to Complete, None

What is a UR Screen


URCMs should follow established  ............ to organize the workload when it is anticipated the workload will not be completed.

What are Priority Lists

IP Admissions from today (Gov then Commercial)

BHU Verbal CS Auths

DCd Patients w/o Required InterQual Review

NICU CS Reviews

What is Tier 2


IP Admissions from Today (Gov then Commercial)

Weekend Follow Up (UM Status Marked 'Weekend')

DCd Patients without Required InterQual Review

What is Tier 2


Deep breathing techiniques, meditation, calming music, quiet environment

What is Calm Down


URCM should seek answers to questions by engaging with a peer, mentor, or TL within respective Region Teams chats. Then TL will coordinate with another TL to address and resolve the issue. TL will escalate to UR Manager if needed.

What is the Formal Structure for Asking Questions