Impacts/Evidence Sorting
Important Parts
When to start

Pro is affirm of negate?

What is affirm.


Con side isn't affirm or negate?

What is affirm.


What side does this piece of evidence support?

 Standardized tests are thought to be fair because every student takes the same test and evaluations are largely objective, but a one-size-fits-all approach to testing is arguably biased because it fails to account for variables such as language deficiencies, learning disabilities, difficult home lives, or varying knowledge of US cultural conventions according to

What is con or neg.


What is the name of the part that helps the judge decide a winner and leans them onto your side of the debate?

What is weighing.


When do we start stating our contentions in a debate?

What is in your constructive speech.


Name 1 contention the pro side may use.

What is benefits people of color, better education, helps teachers, helps with test taking, etc. (Check other answers)


Name 1 contention that may be used for the con side.

What is bias, leads to stress, etc. (Check other answers)


What side does this piece of evidence belong to?

Standardized tests can offer evidence of and promote academic rigor, which is invaluable in college as well as in students’ careers. Matthew Pietrafetta, PhD, Founder of Academic Approach, argues that the “tests create gravitational pull toward higher achievement.”

What is pro or aff.


What are 4 ways to weigh?

What is scope, magnitude, probability, timeframe, etc. (Check other responses)


When do we start weighing in a debate tournament?

What is as soon as possible! In your rebuttals, summaries, and final focuses.


Explain one impact for this contention.

Contention: Standardized testing will help with test taking.

What is less stress, more success in students, better futures, etc. (Check other answers)


In the group talk on Tuesday, we learn that dropouts can lead to what?

What is crimes.

What is an impact of this piece of evidence? Standardized tests are thought to be fair because every student takes the same test and evaluations are largely objective, but a one-size-fits-all approach to testing is arguably biased because it fails to account for variables such as language deficiencies, learning disabilities, difficult home lives, or varying knowledge of US cultural conventions according to

What is more separation in schools, more biases, maybe more dropouts, etc. (check other responses)


Is refuting your opponents contentions offense or defense?

What is offense because you are knocking down their points instead of defending your points at the moment.


When do you start refuting what your opponents said?

What is during rebuttal by using evidence and your points to knock down theirs.



Your opponents attack your point on how standardized tests are bias because some students may not know the answer due to language at home.

How would you refute this?

What is by saying all students must reach the same requirement in order to pass the test. Also they have helped students grow, including students with disabilities and students of color. Standardized testing actually fills the gaps between the students!



Your opponents on the pro side state that standardized tests aren't bias.

How do you refute this?

What is there have been several studies done that show and prove how there is bias. Some students of color may not know the answers because they aren't used to hearing the language that whites might hear.


Answer this question as if you were on Pro side

Health consequences associated with standardized testing were cited as including stomach aches and vomiting, headaches, sleep problems, depression, attendance problems, and acting out. By acting out we mean increase in violence. Why do you believe still after hearing this, we should continue to ignore the truth and make standardized testing a graduation requirement in public schools?

What is that other tests cause stress and the way they solve this problem is by using relaxation techniques which is effective. This is what they can use to solve this problem.


With this resolution, what are some standardized test examples?

What is:

  • ISEE: Independent School Entrance Examination.
  • SSAT: Secondary School Admission Test.
  • HSPT: High School Placement Test.
  • SHSAT: Specialized High School Admissions Test.
  • COOP: Cooperative Admissions Examination Program.
  • PSAT: Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test.
  • GED: General Educational Development Test.

When should a person start to use their prep time?

What is when needed and before your speeches. Its best to use all of it because it shows the judge you are paying attention and you have a lot to say so prep allows you to organize your thoughts before the speech.


Set a framework for the Pro side.

(There will be different answers so check the frameworks and see if they work.)


Set a framework for the con side.

(There will be different answers so check the frameworks and see if they work.)


If you have a contention called "Standardized Testing Includes Biases", what side would this belong to and what are 2 impacts of this contention?

What is Con or neg and some 2 impacts are more racism, pushing students out of school, less participation, etc. (Check other impact answers)


What is the purpose of framework?

What is to set how the judge should evaluate the round on both sides. On Tuesday as learned, you can also do burdens which is basically setting the framework for your opponents.


When can we say an off-time roadmap?

What is before your speech starts and before your timer begins.

It is ok if you don't know what this is but it shows the judge how you will organize your speech. If you do this you must ask the judge if they allow it.


Debater: Hello Judge. Do you allow off-time roadmaps?

Judge: Yes (won't say yes all the time, if they say no then just move on and start your timer like you usually would)

Debater: Ok, during my (whatever speech your on) I will be talking about (what will you talk about). My timer can begin now. (Move onto your speech.)