Classroom Rules
Site Specific
Staff Expectations
Licensing Protocols

What are the 4 STAR Rules?

1. Be Safe

2. Be Kind

3. Be Respectful

4. Be Responsible

(**also 5. Be a Problem Solver)


What is the email and phone number for the site?

Phone number: ________

Site Email: ___________


Who is responsible for planning and writing enrichment lessons?

The teacher assigned to that curriculum.

At our site it is:

Art: ______

Science: _______

Sports: _______

Theatre: _______


When should outlet covers be covered?

At all times.


When are time sheets due?

15th and the 30th/31st of each month (if on a weekend, the day before)                                                                          


How many warnings does a student get before they receive a Level (oops)?

2 Warnings.

(the third warning = level)


What are/is your site(s) classroom?

Room(s) ______


If you work more than 4 hours, how long is your break and how many do you get?

1 10 minute break


What is our teacher:student ratio and how many students can an aide be alone with?


Aides are not allowed per licensing to be alone with students unless on a bathroom walk or a short 10 minute period in order to relieve a teacher for a bathroom break or emergency.


When are students and staff required to wear facial coverings?

While indoors, except for eating and drinking.


What are STAR's 2 positive reinforcement systems that are currently in place? 

1. STAR Store Tickets

2. Intrinsic Motivation (ex. verbal praise)


Where are the bathrooms located?

Bathrooms are located at __________.


If you are not feeling well enough to work, and need to call out:

1. Who do you contact?

2. How do you contact?

3. What is the latest you can contact?

1. Your Director

2. By calling (if there is no answer, you MUST leave a voicemail, texts do not suffice)

3. At least 2 hours prior to your scheduled shift


When should you ID a person who is picking up a student?

When you or another staff member does not recognize them.


Who will provide snack for the 2021/2022 school year?

The families.

*Prepackaged treats can be given out for special occasions with approval.


What is the difference between an incident report, accident report and documentation?

Incident: When something happens to a student that was caused by another student or adult and we need to tell the families (ex: another child hit a child across the face, grabbed their arm, etc) other students involved CANNOT be named on incident reports for privacy. 

Accident: When something happens to a student by accident. (ex: tripped and scrapped their knee, ran into a pole with their head, stung by a bee)

Documentation: When an incident occurs and STAR needs documentation on the event, this does not go home to families and can use other students names.


Where is the sign in/out table located?

The table is located ___________.


If a parent asks you a question you do NOT know the answer to, how do you respond?

"That is a great question, let me go find the appropriate person to answer that for you"

NEVER tell a guardian "I don't know", its okay to not have the answer, but the statement above projects confidence and assurance with families.


How do you administer medication?

1. Administer medication

2. Complete medication log (located in Medication Binder)

3. Complete medication administration slip & place on sign out sheet

4. Notify Director

**If it is a life-saving medication, you MUST follow Emergency Care Plan (ECP)


What does a 

-red dot 

-blue dot

on a students file mean?

Red = families with restraining orders 

Blue = students who have life threatening conditions


Which kind of incidents require an instant oops cards and potentially being sent home for suspension?

a) biting another student

b) hitting another student

c) spitting on another student

d) running away from their group

e) all the above

f) none of the above

*All the above

"Biting, spitting, bullying tactics, teasing, intimidation through threats, physical fights, leaving the group or campus, running away from the group, defacing property, vandalism, lying, stealing, making false accusations, swearing, blatant disrespect for students, parents, and staff are considered more serious offenses."


Where can you find the medication binder and box?

The medication binder is located _________.

The medication box is located _________.


Where can you find your assignment for emergency situations (i.e. who administers first aid, who transports, who call families, etc)

On the family information wall.

(if you are not on the list, please see your director)


If a student is badly injured what steps need to be taken? (ex: serious head injury like giant gash or concussion, broken bones, etc.)

What if your director is not there?

1. Inform your director immediately (if they are not on site or not working they will give you the name and number of who the back up is).

2. Tend to the student's injury as best you can.

3. Call parent OR 911 depending on severity of injury.

4. Have you or another staff write an accident or incident report.

5. Gather STAR's insurance paper to give to family.


What are the names of our admin team?

Jamie Hudson (Regional Administrator)

Michelle Brashier (Regional Administrator of Licensed Programming)

Andrea Brand (Galaxy Program Coordinator)