Word Knowledge
Analyze Literary Text
Author's Craft
Analyzing Argument/Evaluate Text

The king proclaimed that today would be a holiday. What is the meaning of "proclaimed"?

a) announced or declared in public

b) whispered with kind words

c) described in great detail


In 1979 thousands of hopeful people arrived in California.  They had come from all over America; from big cities, small towns and farms.  Some arrived from Europe.  They were there to strike gold or make money from those miners who did find the shiny metal.  They set up camps and struggled to learn the ways of the mining.  Some really did strike it rich, but most barely got by.  For what purpose was this paragraph written?

a) to inform readers about a historical event

b) to entertain readers with a story about mining

c) to persuade readers to strike it rich


Nia was reading at the park when she saw her friend Kiara and waved.  Nina was glad to see Kiara, but she couldn't talk long.  Nina needed to finish her book because her report was due tomorrow.  "That's okay", said Kiara.  "I can sit with you and read my book too". Then the two girls happily sat under a big oak tree and read their books.  Which best describes Nia and Kiara's friendship?

a) They compete with each other.

b) They know each other well.

c) They have a hard time getting along.


Mark noticed a friend fishing nearby.  His friend's father was placing peanut butter on a fishhook before dropping the line in the water.  That scene made Mark think of another time long ago.  He could still hear his grandfather's voice. "Mark, if you like peanutbutter, why wouldn't a fish?"  "But Grandpa," Mark would say, "wouldn't they want jam too?"  Then they would laugh and laugh. Which part of the story is a flashback to the past?

a) Mark talks to his grandfather

b) Mark goes over to his friend

c) Mark notices a friend fishing nearby.


If you want a pet like a dog, you should first get a goldfish.  A goldfish can help you see if you are ready to take care of a bigger pet.  Goldfish are easy to take care of.  You have to feed them the right amount every day.  You have to keep their tank clean.  If you like caring for a goldfish, you might be ready for a bigger pet.  How does the author support the main claim?

a) the author gives facts showing that goldfish are easier to take care of than bigger pets.

b) the author explains how taking care of a goldfish can show you are ready for a bigger pet.

c) the author tells a story about how having a goldfish helped her get ready to take care of a dog


What word creates the most positive feeling?

a) frail

b) fragile

c) delicate


Have you ever seen a mirage?  On a hot sunny day, you might have seen one.  You might see something that looks like water on the road in the distance.  As you approach, the "water" might suddenly seem to move farther away.  Then you will know it is a mirage. It is a trick of light, and there is really no water.  How does the author inform the reader about mirages?

a) The author explains the difference between different kinds of mirages.

b) The author presents several questions and answers about mirages.

c) The author gives an example of a mirage and then explains it is a trick of light.


Shantell Robinson polished the shiny paint on the antique motorcycle.  The motorcycle had belonged to her great-grandfather.  He bought it in 1924 when it was brand new.  He rode it every time he had an opportunity.  It was his pride and joy. Now, years later, Ms. Robinson still enjoys riding the motorcycle on clear sunny afternoons.   Every time she goes for a ride, she things of her great-grandfather.  How does the motorcycle help show the theme of the story?

a) the motorcycle has shiny paint but is very old and probably falling apart.

b) the motorcycle is Ms. Robinson's connection to her great-grandfather.

c) the great-grandfather loved the motorcycle, but Shantell Robinson does not.


Kara said her stack of library books was nearly a mile high.  Kara probably said this to explain that she.....

a) has many books to read

b) is trying to break a world record

c) needs to visit the library


Be prepared to laugh your socks off at this year's fabulous school show.  It is a complete giggle fest.  Our excellent script is stocked full of genuine belly laughs.  Our performers deliver each joke with professional ease.  The jokes fly as fast as the time.  When the show reaches the curtain call, you'll be gasping with laughter as you're shouting for more.  What does the paragraph use to convince people to go to the show?

a) it uses the bandwagon technique to convince readers everyone else likes it

b) it includes the opinion of an expert who loved the show

c) it uses loaded words like fabulous, excellent and professional


When a submarine is just below the surface, sailors can use a periscope.  A telescope allows people to see far away in space.  What does the periscope allow people in a submarine to do?

a) breathe while the submarine is underwater

b) see around the surface above them

c) travel much faster through the ocean


There are names for different types of clouds.  Layered clouds that form fog when close to the ground are stratus clouds. Cirrus clouds are wispy and very high up.  The puffy white clouds you see in the sky on sunny days are called cumulus clouds.  High cumulonimbus clouds bring rain showers and sometimes thunderstorms.  Nimbostratus clouds bring rain and snow.  You look up in the sky and see cumulonimbus clouds.  What kind of weather might you have?

a) rainy

b) sunny

c) foggy


There was too much cleaning to do in Colleen's house.  She found it difficult to organize her tasks and deal with them in the right order of importance.  Colleen decided to fill the kitchen sink with dish soap and water and scrub the pots.  As she stood there scrubbing, the comfort of the familiar task relaxed her.  It allowed her thoughts to fall in place.  Soon Colleen realized that, as usual, she should make a list and number her tasks in the order of importance.  How is the conflict resolved?

a) Colleen becomes familiar with the household chores.

b) Colleen clears her thoughts by washing the dishes.

c) Colleen finishes her tasks in their order of  importance.


The storm raged outside our window as my sister and I huddled together telling stories.  My sister had reached the scariest part of her story when the wind rattled the windows.  We both stopped and held our breath.  The only light came from a street light, shining through the window.  We heard thunder rumbling in the distance.  What gives the passage an eerie mood?

a) the idea that the sister is telling a scary story

b) words such as huddled, only light and rumbling

c)  a streetlight shining through the window


Rachel and Selena, the well-known cooking team, recommend Copper-Made pots and pans.  Rachel and Selena say, "Copper-Made pots and pans distribute the heat evenly, making every meal a success."  So take the seasoned advice of Rachel and Selena, and, Try Copper-Made.  What persuasion method is used in this passage?

a) urgency, making you feel you need to act quickly or you'll miss out

b) plain folks appeal, saying that people just like you use the product

c) testimonial:  people who use the product tell why they like it.


Our cause is just, and it is my ______ belief, that we will eventually prevail.  Which synonym would fit best in the sentence above?

a) emotion

b) ardent

c) torrid


When objects fall, they accelerate.  All objects accelerate at the same rate, due to the force of gravity.  However, everyone knows that if you drop a rock and a feather at the same time, the rock will drop faster.  This is because of the drag force.  The drag force slows down acceleration.  At a certain point, the object stops speeding up.  Then it falls at a constant speed. The drag of the feather is greater than on the rock, so the feather will fall more slowly.  Why does the feather fall more slowly?

a) gravity is not as strong on the feather

b) there is greater drag force on the feather

c) the feather speeds up faster than the rock


The historic hotel lobby was dimly lit and as quiet as a library.  The dusty orange carpeting swallowed the sound of Jan's footsteps.  She paused at the desk before tapping lightly on the service bell.  She hoped the proprietor could provide some answers to her questions or at least give her a tour.  A tour of the hotel would give her a better understanding of what happened here so long ago.  It might even lead to some overlooked clues.  What role will the hotel play in the story?

a) as the back drop for the mystery; it will be what Jan must navigate to find answers.

b) the hotel gives a feeling of peace and tranquility and will help put Jan at ease.

c) Because it is an old hotel, it will reinforce a  theme about the passage of time.


As she warmed up, Ina observed the large crowd in the concert hall. She knew her violin was one reason they were in attendance.  Leah's viola was the other.  Leah was warming up too.  Ina thought the two of them were quite similar, both disciplined.  Still, Ina thought, nothing would stop her from doing all she could to win the music competition.  Ina had no idea her attitude would be transformed completely before the day's end.  The last sentence in the passage is an example of:

a) repetition

b) flashback

c) foreshadowing


The school should start a publishing club.  I personally already make great zines and comic books.  Some people, however, need plenty of help.  We have clubs for people who play sports, play chess, or paint.  There is no club for people who want to learn to publish their own work.  Publishing could even become a career for students someday.  Please add the publishing club soon.  What is the strongest reason for starting a publishing club?

a) publishing could even become a career for students someday

b) we have clubs for people who play sports, play chess or paint.

c) I personally already made great zines and comic books.


During Hank's presentation, someone came into the classroom on an errand from the office. The interruption made him lose his train of thought,  momentarily, but fortunately he had good notes.  What does lose his train of thought mean?

a) the interruption is terribly noisy

b) the presentation is about transportation

c) Hank forgets what he is thinking


"How hard is it to learn to play the bagpipes?", you ask.  I once knew a rocket scientist who was trying to learn to play them.  She said it sure was a good thing she was a rocket scientist because the bagpipes were hard.  How does the purpose of this passage affect the author's tone?

a) The author takes a light tone as part of trying to entertain.

b) The author uses a formal tone to give information on the subject.

c) The author is sarcastic to persuade readers not to play the bagpipes.


"You remember that old sheepdog Sammy, we had when we were kids?  He followed us wherever we went, up a hill, down a creek, over to the ball field.  He even hid in the travel trailer and went camping with us one time, remember?  It's like he thought it was his job to herd us kids, and watch over us.  They don't make them like that anymore."  What theme is revealed through the character's speech?

a) triumph over adversity

b) taking things in stride

c) fond memories of youth


The traffic at the intersection of Fifth and Grand streets has increased dramatically over recent years.  The area used to be quite a sleepy neighborhood, but now it is busting with activity.  The two-way stop is no longer sufficient for the traffic, and impatient drivers take chances, making the intersection more and more dangerous.  It is time for either a four-way stop sign or a traffic light to be installed.  It sickens me that the cost of implementing these changes would be put ahead of the safety of others.  What phrase does the author use to impact the tone of the passage?

a) the phrase, "it sickens me", reveals the author's anger about the intersection and undercuts the reasonable tone established at first.

b) the phrase, "the safety of others", creates a concerned tone that outweighs the author's annoyance about the impatience of drivers.

c) the phrase, "takes chances",  demonstrates the author's eager tone and supports the desire to modify the condition of the intersection.


Several states have laws requiring shoppers to pay a small deposit when buying beverages in certain containers.  While these laws have helped cut down on litter waste, they have outlived their usefulness.  These days, most people recycle on their own.  Making them return their beverage container to get the deposit back is unnecessary.  It would be easy to just put these containers in with the recycling.  The writer assumes people no longer need container deposit laws to encourage them to recycle.  What evidence would most help support this assumption?

a) a comparison of recycling rates between states with and without these laws

b) an interview with a person who feels these laws are no longer necessary

c) a study showing how these laws helped reduce litter after they were passed