what controlled the clones to do order 66
inhibitor chips
who was the emperor of the empire
Darth Sidious
how much did the droids out number the clones
100 to 1
who was the most powerful jedi master
who was Darth Sidious's apprentice
Darth Vader
what clone almost stopped the original trilogy from ever happening
CT-5555 aka fives
what clone legion was considered "vader's fist"
the 501st legion
what was the basic battle droid during the clone wars
B1 battle droid
who was the chosen one
anakin skywalker
who was Darth Plagueis's apprentice
Darth Sidious
what is commander cody's number
who was the only youngling survivor of operation knightfall
what was the rolling droid called
who had the high ground
obi-wan kenobi
what happened to forsensitive stormtroopers
they became inquisitors
what are all the names of delta squad
Boss(38),Sev(07),Fixer(40), and Scourge(62)
what battle led to the empire no longer using clones
the kamino uprising
what was the tactical droids called
T-series tactical droid
how old was luke skywalker when he died
what was Count Dooku's sith name
Darth Tyranus
what are the names of domino squad
Hevy, Fives, Echo, Cutup, and Droidbait
who was Darth Vader's secret apprentice
Star Killer
who was the jedi who had a child with a clone commando deserter
Venku Skirata
who was the first sith lord
Ajunta Pall