Who is Anakin's Master
What is Obi Wan Kenobi
Who killed Obi Wan Kenobi
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Who is the Jedi
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Who Is Anakin's Padawan
What is Ashokatana
Who Shot 1st
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Who is Obi Wan Kenobi's master
What is Qui Gon Jinn
What colour is Luke's Lightsaber
What is green
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Who Made Star Wars
What is George Lucas
Who turned Anakin to the dark side
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Who is Luke's Sister
What is Leia
Who Killed Kylo
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Whats Baby Yodas Real Name
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What Emotions Give you a purple lightsaber
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What did Anakin do after being turned to the dark side
What is killing all people on the light side
What Planet is Luke from
What is Tatooine
What is Finns Stormtrooper Name
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What is Din Djarin
How much money did The Creator of star wars sell Lucasfilm for
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What is General Grievous
What is a Cyborg
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How Did Luke Die
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How do you make a white lightsaber
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What is 1977