What species is Chewbacca
what is a Wookie
Name the desert planet Luke Skywalker lived on
What is Tatooine
What stormtrooper is the normal stormtrooper called
What is a stormtrooper
What is the main Jedi from the first 3 movies made
Who is Luke Skywalker
Who is a blue and gray astromech
Who is R2-D2
What Species is Jar Jar Binks
What is Gungan
What planet is Chewbacca from
what is Kasshyk
What Trooper uses a flamethrower
What is a Flametrooper
What Jedi first taught Luke
Who is Obi-Wan-Kenobi
Who is a golden translations robot
Who is C-3po
What species is Jabba
What is a Hutt
What planet is Leia from
What is Allderan
What Trooper hangs out in a cold desert
What is a snow trooper
Who has a purple lightsaber
Who is Mace Windu
Who is a orange and yellow robot that rolls
Who is BB-8
What Species is Garazeb Orrelios
What is Lasat
What planet has Darth Vader's castle on it
What Is Mustafar
What are the red troopers in the final 3 movies
What are Sith troopers
What Jedi becomes Darth Vader
Who is Anakin Skywalker
what robot is a nervous robot that is green and yellow and from the last 3 star wars movies
Who is D-O
What species is Yoda
What is Atlantic
What is the planet the first order had a base on
What is Starkiller Base
What stormtroopers are known as super stealthy troopers
What is a Death Trooper
What jedi is a small green girl
Who is Yaddle
Who is Lando Calrissian's robot
Who is L3-37