This is the color of Yoda's lightsaber
What is green?
This is the name of Anakin Skywalker after he pledges allegiance to Senator Palpatine.
Who is Darth Vader?
This plant had binary suns and was the home to Luke Skywalker
What is Tatooine?
This is the protocol droid Anakin built as a child.
Who is C-3PO?
This creature was Han Solo's copilot on the Millennium Falcon
Who is Chewbacca?
Name one of the two Jedi who trained Luke Skywalker
Who are Yoda and Obi-Wan Kenobi?
This Sith Lord used a double bladed lightsaber.
Who is Darth Maul?
This planet covered by a city was the location of a Jedi Temple and the Galactic Senate during the Clone Wars
What is Coruscant?
This droid delivers Princess Leia's message to Obi-Wan Kenobi.
Who is R2-D2?
This small scavenger species lives on Tatooine
What are Jawas?
This Jedi was leader of the Jedi Council at the beginning of the Clone Wars
Who was Yoda?
Anakin Skywalker killed this Sith Lord shortly before the end of the Clone Wars
Who is Darth Tyrannus/Count Dooku?
This is the swamp planet Yoda went into exile on after Order 66.
What is Dagobah?
This droid was found by Rey on Jakku
Who is BB-8?
This is a two-legged animal utilized by the Rebel Alliance to travel on Hoth
What is a tauntaun?
This character was Anakin Skywalker's padawan.
Who is Ahsoka Tano?
These agents of Darth Vader were tasked with hunting Jedi after Order 66
Who are the Inquisitors?
This ice planet was the location for a secret Rebel Alliance base in "The Empire Strikes Back."
What is Hoth?
This cyborg lead the Separatist Army during the Clone Wars.
Who is General Grievous?
Jabba would make prisoners walk the plank to be painfully digested by this creature for a thousand years.
What is a sarlacc?
This Jedi is famous for saying, "hello there."
Who is Obi-Wan Kenobi?
This Night Sister was Count Dooku's apprentice during the Clone Wars
Who is Asajj Ventress?
This volcanic planet was the location of the duel between Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker.
What is Mustafar?
This is the nickname of the droid owned by a young Princess Leia
Who is Lola?
This is the type of ice creature that attacked Luke on Hoth
What is a Wampa?