Prequel Characters
Original Characters
Sequel Characters
Clone wars Charactere
Rebels Characters

This person discovered Anakin on tatooine and wanted to train him but was killed before he could

Who is Qui Gon Jinn?


This character is considered to have shot first ans flies the Millenium Falcon 

Who is Han Solo?


This character was a stormtrooper but joins the resistance

Who is Finn?


This character was the only clone Trooper to find out about order 66 before it happened

Who is Arc Trooper Fives?


This character was trained by Dipa Billaba and hated Clone Troopers for what they did to the jedi

Who is Kanan Jarrus?


This character had his legs cut off by Obi Wan Kenobi After this character killed Qui Gon Jinn

Who is  Darth Maul?


This Character was Princesse of Alderran before it was blown up by the empire 

Who is Princess Leia?


This character goes to find Luke After she fonds out she is force sensitive

Who is Rey?


This Character was the padawan of Anakin Skywalker she left the jedi order After being accused of something she did not do

Who is Ahsoka Tano?


This character was found on Lothal and became the padawan of Kanan Jarrus

Who is Ezra Bridger?


This character was Queen of Naboo and she gave birthday to Luke and Leia 

Who is Padme Amidala?


This character was called a walking carpet by princess Leia

Who is Chewbacca?