What does Anakin call padme when he first meets her?
An angel
What is the name of the red "R2" unit Luke and Owen intended to buy?
Which holiday is mentioned in season 1, episode 1 of the Mandalorian?
Life day (why)
Player character in the force unleashed.
Galen marek/Starkiller
What year did a new hope come out?
What is the main city in Naboo?
Name of the pig-like species in Cloud City.
Name at least one of the gangs that hunted down Han Solo.
Kanjiklub or Guavian Death Gang
Bounty hunter that appears in 2003 clone wars.
Durge (He's apparently canon though)
When did the first lego star wars sets release?
1999, along with episode one.
What character from a Steven Spielberg movie cameos in the phantom menace.
What is Lando's official title in Empire?
Baron Administrator
What is the name of the planet Lando was on?
Extragalactic species that attacked the main star wars galaxy.
The Yuuzhan Vong
What did Vader ACTUALLY say to Luke at the end of ESB.
No, I am your father.(He doesn't say Luke)
What planet does Obi-Wan come from?
Model of the Death Star.
What is the name of the fox-like creatures on Crait?
Which main character character from the original trilogy died the first.
What was the fake name that ROTJ used to avoid leaks.
Blue harvest
General Grievous' real name.
Qymaen jai Sheelal
What is the name of Jabba's sail barge.
The Ketanna
This clone medic avoided order 66 through stasis and joined a pirate crew when he awakened.
What is the name of the last known Skywalker?
Cade Skywalker
How much have all the star wars movies made all together.
10 billion bucks.