Without this microscopic lifeform, there would not be life or The Force
What are midichlorians?
This starship is piloted by Han Solo.
What is the Millennium Falcon?
This character uses a unique speech pattern.
Who is Yoda?
This planet was the birthplace of the clone army.
What is Kamino?
This planet was under Trade Federation blockade in "The Phantom Menace."
What is Naboo?
This Dark Side Force capability was directed at Luke Skywalker by Emperor Palpatine in "Return of the Jedi"
What is Force Lightning?
This was the type of star fighter piloted by Luke Skywalker and R2D2.
What is an X-Wing?
This was the first Star Wars character to say, "I have a bad feeling about this" upon seeing the Death Star for the first time.
Who is Luke Skywalker?
This bounty hunter's DNA was used to create the clone army.
Who is Jango Fett?
This Gungan appeared in all three prequel trilogy movies
Who is Jar Jar Binks?
This character was considered the "Chosen One" to bring balance to the Force.
Who is Anakin Skywalker?
This is the basic model of star fighter used by the Empire.
What is a TIE Fighter?
This is the correct Darth Vader quote revealing he was the father of Luke Skywalker.
What is, "I am your father"?
This Jedi turned to the Dark side and set up Ahsoka Tano to take the blame for bombing the Jedi Temple on Coruscant.
Who is Barriss Offee?
This secret Empire base was used for cloning and research on the Zillo Beast.
What is Mount Tantiss?
This color lightsaber blade is indicative of a Sith.
What is red?
This is what TIE stands for in TIE Fighter.
What is Twin Ion Engine?
Who is Luke Skywalker?
This Zabrak was a Sith Lord, leader of a crime syndicate, and ruler of Mandalore.
Who is Darth Maul?
This beast was released on accident by a prototype Republic weapon on Malastare?
What is the Zillo Beast?
This Force user has had two green, two blue, and two white lightsaber blades.
Who is Ahsoka Tano?
This is the TIE Fighter model that Grand Admiral Thrawn commissioned to be built on the planet Lothal.
What is the TIE Defender?
This Force user told Darth Vader, "I am no Jedi."
Who is Ahsoka Tano?
This individual was the ruler of Mandalore during the Clone Wars and was overthrown by The Death Watch.
Who is Duchess Satine?
This is the name of Yoda, Yaddle, and Grogu's species.
What is unknown?