Intro to Star Wars Episode 1: Battle For Naboo
Characters of Star Wars Episode 1: Battle For Naboo
Droids of Star Wars Episode 1: Battle For Naboo
Ships of Star Wars Episode 1: Battle For Naboo
After Star Wars Episode 1: Battle For Naboo

In the intro to Star Wars Episode 1: Battle for the Naboo, the N64 logo falls onto and crushes this much mocked Gungan

Who is Jar Jar Binks?


The bonus mission “Dark Side” in Star Wars Episode 1: Battle For Naboo has you at the controls on the Scimitar, the starship of this Sith Lord

Who is Darth Maul?


The first enemies you encounter in Star Wars Episode 1: Battle For Naboo are the B1 Series Battle Droids, known for saying this, their famous catchphrase

What is Roger Roger?


It’s the famous yellow starfighter you pilot for much of the game in Star Wars Episode 1: Battle For Naboo

What is the N-1 Starfighter, or Naboo Starfighter?


Though he does not appear in Star Wars Episode 1: Battle For Naboo, this character has recently carried on the spirit of Star Wars Episode 1: Battle For Naboo by utilizing a silver N-1 Starfighter as his main mode of transportation

Who is Din Djarin, aka the Mandalorian, aka Mando?


Also in the intro to Star Wars Episode 1: Battle For Naboo, Battle Droids chase after the weird gold guy from the logo of this publisher

What is LucasArts?


As everyone knows, this member of the Royal Naboo Security Forces is the protagonist of Star Wars Episode 1: Battle For Naboo

Who is Lt. Gavyn Sykes, aka Bravo 6?


They’re the shielded, rolly, enemy droids in Star Wars Episode 1: Battle For Naboo; Obi-Wan calls them “destroyers,” in Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace

What are Droideka?


The N-1’s secondary weapon in Star Wars Episode 1: Battle For Naboo are these explosives; Anakin Skywalker used them to blow up a droid control ship from within in Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace

What are Proton Torpedos?


Everyone’s favourite character, Lt. Gavin Sykes, the protagonist of Star Wars Episode 1: Battle For Naboo, returned in this Star Wars MMO, apparently getting involved in a mission to murder Gungan smugglers

What is Star Wars Galaxies


Also also in the intro to Star Wars Episode 1: Battle For Naboo, the “C” in this developer’s logo is cleverly designed to look like a Droid Control Ship, and is destroyed in a massive explosion

What is Factor 5?


There’s a character named Borvo in Star Wars Episode 1: Battle For Naboo! And he’s a member of this race known for their criminal activities!

What are Hutts?


The B1 Droids in Star Wars Episode 1: Battle For Naboo will sometimes ride on a little hover scooter thingie known as a STAP, which is an acronym for this

What is Single Trooper Aerial Platform?


The first vehicle you pilot in Star Wars Episode 1: Battle For Naboo isn’t even a starfighter, it’s this type of ground based vehicle

What is landspeeder, or flash speeder?


This was actually before Star Wars: Battle For Naboo, but the N-1 Starfighter was a hidden playable ship in Star Wars: Rogue Squadron for N64. One of the passcodes to unlock the N-1 included the name of this Canadian maritime capital

What is Halifax? (Enter "HALIFAX?" and then "!YNGWIE!" to unlock the N-1. This code was notable at the time for being well hidden, and not revealed until after the release of Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace)


Before the intro, the copyright screen shows you that Star Wars Episode 1: Battle For Naboo is enhanced by this peripheral

What is the N64 Expansion Pak?


Part of Star Wars Episode 1: Battle For Naboo has you teaming up with this character, who is head of security for Queen Amidala. He actually had a speaking part in Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace!

Who is Captain Quarsh Panaka?


Star Wars Episode 1: Battle For Naboo also features OOM Command Battle Droids, which are identical to the B1 Droids, other than they have this color markings on their heads and chest

What is yellow?


One of the main enemy starfighters in Star Wars Episode 1: Battle For Naboo is the Variable Geometry Self-Propelled Battle Droid. They kind of look a bit like TIE Interceptors, and are nicknamed this, after a scavenger bird

What are Vulture Droids?


After Star Wars Episode 1: Battle For Naboo, the next N64 game Factor 5 worked on was this “infernal” title, also from LucasArts

What is Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine?


The title screen music for Star Wars Episode 1: Battle For Naboo is this famous John Williams tune from Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace

What is Duel of the Fates?


This neimoidian was the viceroy of the trade federation, and therefore the primary antagonist of  Star Wars Episode 1: Battle For Naboo

Who is Nute Gunray?


We can assume this protocol droid, who looks like a silver C-3PO and brings the Jedi some drinks at the beginning of Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace, is killed when the droid control ship is destroyed at the climax of Star Wars Episode 1: Battle For Naboo

Who is TC-14?


Droid Bomber ships in Star Wars Episode 1: Battle For Naboo are named after this other type of mammalian scavenger. Side note, isn’t it weird that two of the droid ships are named after Earth animals? DOES EARTH EXIST IN THE STAR WARS UNIVERSE?

What are Hyenas?


The next game in the Star Wars Episode 1: Battle For Naboo series was Star Wars Rogue Squadron II: Rogue Leader. Unfortunately, it swaps out the beloved Lt. Gavyn Sykes for two other playable characters: Wedge Antilles, and this obscure Star Wars character that no one ever talks about

Who is Luke Skywalker?