This Sith Lord established the Rule of Two.
Who is Darth Bane?
These kilometer-long warships were used as command centers and as a symbol of the Empire's power.
What are Star Destroyers?
Sam Witwer has voiced Maul since the Clone Wars, but he broke into Star Wars with his portrayal of this character, unleashed in 2008.
Who is Starkiller?
These hardy omnivores were used by the Rebels for transport on Hoth. They tend to smell better on the outside.
What are tauntauns?
Aside from Yoda and Grogu, this female Council member is the only other representative of their unnamed race on film.
Who is Yaddle?
The first Sith Lords were these before the Hundred-Year Darkness led to their exile and arrival on Korriban.
What are Jedi?
Slave One was equipped with these heavenly-sounding explosives.
What are seismic charges?
Project Blackwing was an Imperial experiment that created these ghoulish flesh-lovers.
What are zombies?
These deadly bipedal natives of Dathomir, first introduced in 1983, seem to be weak against spiked gates closing on their head.
What are rancors?
Between deleted scenes and video games, this Jedi Master has died a total of five times.
Who is Shaak Ti?
Count Dooku's Sith name, Darth Tyrannus, is mentioned in passing in this Episode.
What is Episode II?
Luke Skywalker used this form of ordinance to destroy the first Death Star.
What are proton torpedoes?
This Gen'Dai bounty hunter made almost entirely of muscle and nerves gave Obi-Wan and his army a run for their money during the Battle of Muunilinst.
Who is Durge?
Name the three animals in the gladiator ring on Geonosis.
Obi-Wan's near mastery of this defensive lightsaber form earned him the title "The Negotiator."
What is Form III - Soresu?
Without physical form and bound to his armor, this Old Republic Sith Lord was in the habit of consuming all life from planets.
Who is Darth Nihilus?
Starkiller Base was made out of this planet.
What is Ilum?
This form of martial arts designed to combat Jedi was practiced by Darth Maul and some members of Crimson Dawn.
What is Teras Kasi?
These hyperspace-traveling space whales were instrumental in the defeat of Grand Admiral Thrawn during his battle against the Lothal Rebellion.
What are Purgils?
This Jedi's real name is Caleb Dume.
Who is Kanan Jarrus?
This Sith offshoot group of magic users that view the Force as a "Unity" share a homeworld with Ben Quadanaros.
Who are the Sorcerers of Tund?
Interdictor-Class Imperial cruisers were outfitted with gravity wells for this purpose.
What is pulling ships out of hyperspace?
This species of near-immortal humanoids use hidden proboscuses to feed on the brains and Force energy of sentient beings.
What are the Anzati?
This kaiju-sized creature that is resistant to almost all weaponry wreaked havoc throughout Coruscant after escaping from the research facility it was being studied in.
What is the Zillo Beast?
Name the four Jedi that attempted to arrest Chancellor Palpatine.
Who are Agen Kolar, Saesee Tiin, Kit Fisto, and Mace Windu?