Where was Plapatine born
Naboo (did you know?)
Who uses a purple lightsaber
mace windu (probubly someone else to)
What is the capital of the republic
Coruscant (eazy)
In which movie does someone say: I am your father
The Empire strikes back
What ship do you see second in a new hope
The ISD (impreal star destroyer)
Which plantet did Luke get raised on
tatooine what did you think of!?
What is the real name of "baby yoda"
grogu and not baby yoda (not a baby)
The first capital of the separatist
in which movie does darth vader die
return of the jedi
which ship do you see first in a new hope
The CR90
Where was Anakin born
In Tatooine
Who was Anakin's padawan
Ashoka (easy)
What was the OLD Republics capital
it was...Coruscant
when did the rise of skywalker come out
2019 (fact:its bad)
what ship does Darth Vader command in the empire strikes back
the Executor
Where was Leia and Luke BORN
Mustafar not Tatooine you dumbdumb
Who is the first force user in A New Hope
it is Ben Kenobi
What was the sepratists capital during the clone wars
Raxus not Geneosis
when does palpatine die
return of the jedi not the rise of skywalker you dumbdumb
What is Leia's ship called
the tantive 4
Where was Obi Wan born
Planet Stewjon (very hard)
Who was supose to have Ashoka as a padawan
Obi-Wan actually
What is the Hutts capital
Its Nal Hutta
in which movie is palpatine a clone
the rise of skywalker
What is the first ship in rebel galaxy?
the Rasputin