abigail's favorite gifts
amethyst/banana pudding/blackberry cobbler/chocolate cake/pufferfish/pumpkin/spicy eel
the color of shane's special chicken breed
villager who lives in the mines
name of one fishing event
squidfest or trout derby
the only villager that can be your roommate (not spouse)
penny's favorite gem
emerald or diamond
most expensive pet
purple turtle
how many floors are in the mines in total
a purple fish
super cucumber/midnight carp
the name of the god worshipped in stardew valley
elliott's preferred fish
what food the bear asks for in secret note 23
maple syrup
the rarest thing a bug can drop (not counting diamonds or prismatic shards or dwarf scrolls)
ancient seed
the hardest fish in the game to catch
the number of museum donations you have to make to get the sewers key
haley's least favorite gem
prismatic shard
the animal you can fish up in the northernmost part of the ginger island river
a squirrel
what floor does the blue castle theme start in the mines
a fish that can only be caught in the witch's swamp
void salmon
where you can get apple slices and salted peanuts and jawbreakers
concessions counter in the movie theater
alex's least favorite foraging item
how many days it takes for an ostrich to lay an egg
the dwarf's favorite fish
lava eel
the cheapest fish in the game
anchovy/carp/sunfish/herring (30g)
what mayor lewis does if you put his shorts in the display at the stardew valley fair
he pays you 750 star tokens