What magical creature sacrifices itself to protect Tristran and the Star?
The Unicorn (RIP)
Victoria Forester
Who is pursuing the Star in order to become young?
The Lilim / Witch-Queen
Tristran leaves his home in the village of ___ and travels through the land of ___.
Wall and Faerie
“He was a gangling creature of potential, a barrel of dynamite waiting for someone or something to light his fuse; but no one did, so on weekends and in the evenings he helped his father on the farm…” – Chapter 2
Stardust has many magical beings such as witches, including the Lilim / Witch-Queen and _____.
Madame Semele
What did Madame Semele turn Tristran's mother into?
A bird (bound by a chain)
Who is the Stormhold brother that Tristran actually runs into on his journey?
Why are the Stormhold brothers pursuing the Star?
She has the pendant (the topaz/necklace) needed for one of them to become the next Lord of Stormhold
“He stared up at the stars: and it seemed to him then that they were dancers, stately and graceful, performing a dance almost infinite in its complexity.” – Chapter 4
Like many Fairy Tales, Stardust has recurring patterns and numbers, such as ___ Lilim and ___ Stormhold brothers.
3 and 7
Who are Tristran's biological parents?
Dunstan Thorn and the Faerie girl from the market
Who rescues Tristran and Yvaine from the cloud?
Captain Johannes Alberic
Who is killed during the battle at the inn?
Primus, the Unicorn, Brevis & Billy the Goat (both magically disguised by the Witch-Queen)
Neil Gaiman's reference to the nursery rhyme “The Lion & the Unicorn" -- Chapter 5
Early on in his journey, Tristran receives help from the Little Hairy Man -- what is one magical item he gives to Tristran?
The Silver Chain OR the Babylon Candle
What is Tristran's magical ability/power?
He can magically sense locations/where things are in the land of Faerie
What is another name that Madame Semele goes by?
Ditchwater Sal
How does Madame Semele treat Tristran and Yvaine?
Tristran -- Turns him into a dormouse
Yvaine -- Cannot perceive her
What is one Symbol from the novel and what does it represent?
Some Possibilities: Stars/Moon, Wind/Air, Road/Path, Weather/Storm, Forest, Star's Heart
What magical item does Tristran listen to in order to save Yvaine during the battle at the inn?
The Copper Leaf gifted to him by the Tree
What magical object does Dunstan give Tristran before he leaves Wall?
A Glass Snowdrop
Who did Dunstan Thorn marry?
Daisy Hempstock
What will happen to Yvaine if she crosses into Wall?
She will turn into stone (what a rocky ending)
What is one Theme from the novel and what do we learn about it?
Some Possibilities: Transformation, Sacrifice, Youth/Beauty, Choices/Obligations