Ch. 9-Ch. 18
Ch. 19-26
Ch. 27-More Than Stars
What is symbolic of Wayne Parr's name? Did the author do this intentionally? Why or why not?
Wayne Parr is the definition of average at the school and his last name also means average. Yes, the author did this intentionally to emphasize just how average Wayne was.
What figurative language technique is used at the beginning of chapter nine when the authors talks about the desert frogs and the students at Mica High School?
A metaphor
"Hard to express or define" is the definition for which of the following words: Revel, Elusive, Solvent
In chapter 19, Leo is asked who's affection he values more: Stargirl's or the other student's at the school. The answer is he values the other student's more. The book does not explicitly state this. How do we then know that he values the other student's affection more?
The end of the chapter states that Leo knew the answer to this question, but that he did not want to admit it, which implies that it is a bad answer. Choosing Stargirl would not be bad because she always cares about Leo, whereas the other students have shown that they do not always care about him.
Leo tells Susan/ Stargirl not to count her chickens before they hatch. First, what does this saying mean. Second, what type of figurative language is this?
It means don't rely on something you can't be 100% sure about. And it is an idiom.
In Ch. 7, Archie says that Stargirl is not an act. Rather, the other students at the school are acting. What does Archie mean when he says the other students are acting?
That they don't always behave the way they truly want to. Instead, they act how everyone else does to fit in.
In chapter 10, Stargirl begins to do things that make people mistrust her. There are three specific things she does. Choose one and explain why the people of the town/ school were upset with her.
Answers will vary
Which of the following words best describes how the students at Mica High felt after Stargirl showed them how to be individuals: undermined, unshackled, festooned
Leo says that it is good to get credit, based off of the book, how does Stargirl feel about receiving credit. Quote the book to support your answer.
Stargirl does not feel that receiving credit is necessary. Books quotes will vary.
Why does Susan return to being Stargirl after the oratorical contest?
Her vision of becoming popular and everyone loving her did not occur after winning the oratorical contest. She realized that people were not going to love her as Susan or Stargirl, so she may as well be who she wants to be and at least be happy with who she is.
What was the purpose of the preface of this book?
To foreshadow upcoming events.
Leo says about Stargirl in chapter 16 "she was the opposite of cool; she held nothing back" What does this say about Stargirl? What does this then say about people who would be considered "cool"?
Stargirl is her own person and she doesn't hide who she is. This says that "cool" people hide their true selves
If Stargirl's happy wagon is full, she is feeling very cheerful. If her happy wagon is down to two pebbles, which of these words best describes how she might feel: sullen, sprightly, marooned.
Leo accuses Stargirl of "running for Saint" and saying this upsets her. Explain, based off of what we know about Stargirl's personality, why this would upset her. Use things from the book to support your answer.
Running for Saint or anything else implies that you do things very intentionally and want people to notice. Stargirl does things out of the goodness of her heart. By giving people cards, gifts, etc anonymously, she does not expect anything in return.
At the Octotillo Ball, Stargirl starts a line dance and results in all the students falling in love with her again, with the exception of Hillari. Why does this cause the students to like her again?
Because she brought the students together and helped them be unified. She also showed them, yet again, how fun being different can be.
Based off what we know about Stargirl, was she trying to become popular? Explain why.
No, she was just being herself. Being so different made the students at the school very interested in her and that helped her popularity grow.
Leo says that "bad things did not stick to her. Correction: her bad things did not stick to her. Our bad things stuck very much to her...all of her feelings, all of her attentions flower outward." Is this a direct or indirect characterization of Stargirl? What does this tell/ show us about her personality?
Indirect-this shows us that she cares a great deal for other people; she is selfless.
If something is noteworthy, it is also....
Important, significant, etc
In chapter 25, upon seeing Stargirl's profession of love to Leo, the two of them have an argument. As Leo yells at her for her behavior, Stargirl continues to make jokes and Leo becomes more upset. Why does this upset Leo?
Because he is trying to be serious and Stargirl making jokes shows that she does not see this as a serious issue. They are not on the same page.
Why does Stargirl disappear?
Because her work in Mica was done. She showed the students how to be themselves.
Hillari, along with many other students at the school explain Stargirl's sudden appearance at the school as being a scam hired by the faculty. What are some reasons why the school hypothetically would have hired someone like Stargirl?
To get students attending clubs, sporting events, and other extracurriculars. To help students branch out and become individuals.
Give an example from chapter 9-18 when foreshadowing occurred.
Answers will vary
"Though the official class convened on Saturday morning, kids were welcome anytime." What does the word "convened" mean based off of this sentence?
To come together or assemble
How does Susan/Stargirl react when Leo tells her that nobody eats anchovies on their pizza? Why does she react this way.
She takes off the anchovies and throws them into her water glass. She reacts this way because she does not want to do things that nobody does. She desperately wants to fit in and not stand out.
The book begins with a preface and then ends with More Than Stars, an epilogue. What is the purpose of including the epilogue in the book?
To reveal some final pieces of information about the characters and to help close the book. This also could help lead into a future sequel or just allow the reader to make their own inferences about what could possibly happen after the book ends.