All stars in the universe produce their energy through this process.
What is nuclear fusion?
Main-sequence stars, like the Sun, produce energy by fusing hydrogen atoms together to create this type of atom.
What is helium?
The name of the galaxy in which we live?
What is the Milky Way?
The theory used to describe how the universe "began."
What is the Big Bang theory?
This was the first planet to be completely destroyed by the Death Star.
What is Alderaan?
The Sun is classified as this type of star.
What is G?
The longest, most stable phase of a star's life is called this.
The main sequence
The name of the nearest large, spiral galaxy.
What is Andromeda?
The Big Bang occurred approximately this many years ago.
What is 13.8 billion?
Emperor Paul Muad'dib Atreides ruled from this planet, often referred to simply as "Dune."
What is Arrakis?
The very coolest stars fall into this spectral type.
What is M-type?
The hot, dense, leftover core of a small or medium mass star after its death is called one of these.
What is a white dwarf?
This invisible substance causes stars near the edge of a galaxy to move at the same speed as stars near the center.
What is dark matter?
This is the mysterious energy that is causing the universe to expand.
What is Dark Energy?
The Clone Wars began on this planet in a battle between the Republic and the Separatist droid army.
What is Geonosis?
The very hottest stars fall into this spectral type.
What is O-type?
This is what triggers a star's expansion into a red giant as it nears the end of its life.
What is helium fusion?
There is probably one of these near the core of most, if not all, galaxies in the universe.
What is a supermassive black hole?
This is the era of the early universe when the temperature was finally cool enough for electrons to join with protons and neutrons to form neutral atoms for the first time.
What is the era of recombination?
This is the name of the Klingon homeworld.
What is Kronos (or Qo'noS)
These stars are cooler than G-type stars, but hotter than M-type stars.
What are K-type stars?
The fusion of this element is what causes a high-mass star to die in a violent explosion called a supernova.
What is iron?
This type of galaxy typically contains many older stars, and basically no new star formation.
This is the leftover light emitted shortly after the Big Bang that now fills the observable universe.
What is the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation (CMBR)?
In the film 2001: A Space Odyssey, the giant monolith was found in orbit of which of Jupiter's moons?
What is Io?