The sun is classified as a __________
What is a dwarf star?
The apparent change in position of an object when viewed from different place.
What is parallax?
the "cooler stars" are
What color are reddish?
The death explosion of a star
The difference between apparent brightness and absolute brightness.
What is Apparent: How bright a star appears to be as seen from Earth?
What is Absolute: The actual brightness a star would have if it were at a standard distance to Earth
How a star appears
What is apparent magnitude?
Fill in the blanks In general Hotter stars have a _________ brightness In general Bigger stars have a __________ brightness
What is high and high?
The true magnitude of a star
What is absolute magnitude?
a light year is----
What is the distance light travels through space in one year?
the hottest stars
What color is blue
a cloud of gas and dust with great volume
What is a nebula?
____________________ means "around the pole"
What is circumpolar?
a viewer that uses mirrors
Instrument which breaks down the light given off by a star into all its colors
What is a spectroscope
the wavelengths on a spectroscope demonstrate this when an object is moving away from the earth
What is redshift
instrument that bends light through lenses to make objects look bigger. uses convex and concave lenses.
What is a refracting telescope?
the scientific study of the stars
What is Astronomy?
the practice of finding guidance from stars
What is Astrology?
chunk of metal or stone that has entered Earth's atmosphere and lights up due to friction as it passes through Earth's atmosphere
What is a meteor?
chunk of metal or stone that has come through Earth's atmosphere and has landed on Earth
What is a meteorite?
chunk of metal or stone moving towards Earth's atmosphere
What is a meteoroid?
icy chunk of frozen gases, water, and dust that orbits the Sun
What is a comet?
made of irregularly shaped pieces of rock, metal, and dust
What is an asteroid?