Characteristics of a Star
H-R Diagram
Life Cycle of a Star
Other Star Stuff

This is the order of star color from coolest to hottest.

What is red, orange, yellow, white, blue?


This is the relationship the H-R Diagram demonstrates.

What is the relationship between temperature and brightness?


This is the stage stars spend most of their life in.

What is main sequence?


The general process of two atoms colliding and forming heavier elements.

What is nuclear fusion?


These are the two factors that affect the brightness of a star.

What are temperature and mass? 


This is the corner of the H-R Diagram you would find really dim and hot stars.

What is bottom left?


This is where all stars begin their life and is a cloud of gas and dust.

What is a nebula?


Our Sun is this type of star.

What is a main sequence star?


This is how bright a star appears from Earth?

What is apparent magnitude?


This is what Apollo, a hot bright star, and Kronos, a cool dim star, have in common.

What is they are both main sequence stars performing hydrogen fusion?


These are what a large star can end up as.

What are black holes or neutron stars?


This is where nuclear fusion takes place.

What is the core?


This is how scientist determine the mass of stars. 

What is color?


This is the category Betelgeuse falls in on the H-R Diagram.

What is a red supergiant?


This is what determines the evolution of a star.

What is the star's initial mass?


This is what our Sun will become when its current fuel supply is depleted.

What is a red giant?


Describe the process of hydrostatic equilibrium.

What is the outward pressure caused by nuclear fusion equals the inward force of the star's gravity?


This is what the "H-R" in H-R Diagram stands for.

What is Hertzsprung-Russell?


This is the biggest difference between a smaller mass star's life cycle and a medium mass star's life cycle.

What is a smaller mass star will go from a main sequence star to a white dwarf, while a medium mass star will become a red giant after main sequence then a white dwarf?


This process is a type of nuclear fusion and stars must be performing this process to be considered a main sequence star.

What is hydrogen fusion?