Delivery robot named after a fruit
He's known as "The Rock"
Dwayne Johnson
Longest river in the world
Number one movie on IMDB top 250
Shawshank Redemtion
This Boston Dynamics robot is named
First President of the USA
George Washington
Commonly featured on posters, clothing, novelty items, and internet memes, this is a popular slogan calling for persistence in the face of challenge. It was first used on a British propaganda poster during World War II
How tall is the Eiffel tower? +/- 20%
Christopher Nolan's last movie
Beymax is one of the main characters in this Disney animation
Big Hero 6
Who is on this picture?
Serena Williams
What century was Napoleon born?
Most populated city in the world
Name three of the seven Dwarves
Grumpy, Dopey, Doc, Happy, Bashful, Sneezy and Sleepy.
Starship technologies was founded this year
The De Beers Company named after the owners family name is the biggest supplier of these minerals
When did SARS outbrake occur
Sixth planet from the sun
What movie is this quote from: " Here's Johnny"
The Shining
IRobot, the company who produces the famous room floor cleaning robot Roomba was founded in 1990 and they they first designed robots for this executive branch department of the federal US government.
Military defence
President of Finland
Sauli Niinistö
When did ancient Egypt begin and end?
3100 BCE to 30 BCE.
The Beatles have sold the most records in history, but who has sold the second most?
Elvis Presley
The fastest wins - Your favorite movie?