Lesson 9
(Part 1 & 2)
Lesson 9
(Part 3 & 4)
Lesson 10
(Part 1 & 2)
Lesson 10
(Part 3 & 4)
Shimizu Sensei
Fun Facts

The name of the old woman in the nursing home.

Who is Mrs. Smith?


There is a dispute between these two individuals.

Who are the salesperson and the customer?


People based calendars on this celestial body.

What is the moon?


These planets have a gravitational influence on Earth.

What is Jupiter and Saturn?


Shimizu Sensei's favorite food are these pan-fried dumplings filled with meat and vegetables. 

What is gyoza?


They help Mrs. Smith take her blood pressure.

Who are a pair of robots? or Who are two robots?


These are a type of task, like paperwork and cleaning, that require precision and efficiency.

What are routine tasks?


This planet produces fast winds of up to 480 kilometers an hour.

What is Jupiter?


This is the degree of the Earth's axis that it rotates on now.

What is 23.4 degrees?


These cute marine mammals are Shimizu Sensei's favorite animal. (Picture)

What are seals?


It refers to simulating human intelligence using a computer.

What is artificial intelligence? or What is AI?


Robots are not suited for these emotional jobs.

What is a counselor or a teacher? or What are jobs that require empathy?


It made the first successful human-crewed lunar landing in 1969.

What is Apollo 11?


Getting warmer and colder, a shift on Earth's axis would impact this on the planet.

What is the Earth's climate?


"Bonjour" and "Merci" are common phrases said in this language that Shimizu Sensei can speak.

What is French?

Robots are able to make people cooperate with them by displaying this emotion. 

What is displaying empathy?


If we rely on robots too much, humans might be bad at this talking skill.

What is communicating?


The Earth has high and low tides because of this process.

What is a gravitational pull?


Earth would get struck by more of these, like the one that wiped out the dinosaurs 66 million years ago.

What are meteors?


Located in Fuchu, Shimizu Sensei attended this university that focuses on courses in foreign languages, international studies, and cultural studies.

What is TUFS? or What is Tokyo University of Foreign Studies?


This is a new approach in which robots act like people. 

What is human-agent interaction? or What is HAI?


Robots can improve lives by playing this role between two people arguing.

What is resolving disputes? or What is mediating a dispute?


Without the Moon, this feature of the Earth would cause fierce winds and violent oceans.

What is the Earth's spin?


Each hemisphere would spend roughly half the year in sunlight and the other half in darkness in this condition.

What is an angle of 90 degrees? or What is the Earth is turned on its side?


Shimizu Sensei's favorite place she has travelled to are these islands known for its clean beaches and sparkling blue waters nearby the cities of Okayama, Takamatsu, Hiroshima, and Kobe.

Where are the Setouchu Islands?