What are the 5 letter grades?
A, B, C, D, F
Where do you turn in paper assignments?
In the basket on the south side of the room.
Use of a racial slur (whether in the hall, cafeteria, class, etc) will automatically get you sent where?
This should be put away (pocket or backpack) as soon as the bell rings.
cell phone
Name 3 things you need to bring to class every day.
computer, pencil, math notebook, calculator, paper
Instead of using a textbook, we will be using this type of book that you'll need to bring to class every day.
math notebook
Cell phones are only allowed out of pockets/backpacks during what?
Brain Breaks
Where is P.E.?
Across the west parking lot in the Davis Rec Center.
You should be begin working on this as soon as the bell rings.
Bell ringer / bell work
What do you need to charge every night and bring to school every day?
your computer
Grades for academic behavior (honors, satisfactory, needs improvement and unsatisfactory) are called what?
citizenship grades
What happens on the 1st time you have your cell phone out when not allowed?
It goes in a basket and you get it back at the end of the day.
How do you get to the nearest drinking fountain?
Where are the two places you can find your grades? Which of the two is the "official" grade?
Mydsd and Canvas. Mydsd
You should sharpen your pencil before class starts. However, if you forget, you can still sharpen it during class EXCEPT for when?
During notes/when teacher is talking
What percent of your grade is based on quizzes and tests?
What happens when you repeatedly have your cell phone out when not allowed?
Phone call to parent, referral to admin, and/or possible in school suspension.
How do you get to the nearest bathrooms?
Turn left, then keep walking. The bathrooms will be on your right.
What happens if you talk AT ALL during a quiz, whether it is online or on paper?
Where should online assignments be turned in, and when will they usually be due?
Canvas, midnight after the day it's given.
Which two things will earn you an automatic "U" (unsatisfactory citizenship grade) for the quarter?
The two classes who have the most behavior points at the end of the month will earn what?
1/2 day game day
A hall pass is valid for how many minutes?
If your grade is at 78% on Mydsd, what letter grade would this be?
Which two things must you do in order to retake quizzes or tests?
have math notebook filled out and all homework turned in related to that subject