Topic vs Thesis statement
Affirmation vs Thesis statement
Supporting sentences vs Thesis statement
Structure of a thesis statement
Creating thesis statements

Which one is the topic and which one is a thesis statement?

- Money

- Managing money wisely is essential for achieving financial security.

- Money = TOPIC

- Managing money wisely is essential for achieving financial security. = THESIS STATEMENT


Which one is the thesis statement and which one the affirmation?

- Regular exercise improves overall health and well-being.

- Exercise is good for you.

- Regular exercise improves overall health and well-being. = THESIS STATEMENT

- Exercise is good for you. = AFFIRMATION


Identify the thesis statement and its supporting sentence

- It’s important to save money for the future.

- Having savings can help you in case of emergencies.

  • It’s important to save money for the future. = THESIS STATEMENT
  • Having savings can help you in case of emergencies. = SUPPORTING SENTENCE

Divide the sentence into 1) topic, 2) opinion and 3) sub-topic. 

Having enough money is essential to meeting basic needs like food, shelter, and healthcare.

TOPIC: Money

OPINION: Having money is essential for meeting the basic needs

SUPPORTING IDEA: like food, shelter, and healthcare


Create a thesis statement with the following topic: money.

Example: Investing money carefully can help people earn more over time and prepare for future needs.


Which one is the topic and which one is a thesis statement?

- Advances in technology have revolutionized the way we communicate

- Technology

- Technology = TOPIC

- Advances in technology have revolutionized the way we communicate = THESIS STATEMENT


Which one is the thesis statement and which one the affirmation?

- The world is becoming more connected.

- Globalization has led to an increased economic interdependence.

  • Globalization has led to an increased economic interdependence. = THESIS STATEMENT
  • The world is becoming more connected. = AFFIRMATION

Identify the thesis statement and its supporting sentence

- Speaking English allows you to communicate with people from many different countries.

- Learning English can open doors to new opportunities.

  • Speaking English allows you to communicate with people from many different countries. = SUPPORTING SENTENCE
  • Learning English can open doors to new opportunities. = THESIS STATEMENT

Divide the sentence into 1) topic, 2) opinion and 3) sub-topic.

Saving money is important for long-term financial security, such as retirement and emergency expenses.

  • Topic: Money
  • Opinion: Saving money is important for long-term financial security
  • Supporting Idea: such as retirement and emergency expenses

Create a thesis statement with the following topic: fame

Example: Fame can lead to great opportunities, such as meeting interesting people and getting special chances in your career.


Which one is the topic and which one is a thesis statement?

  • Climate Change
  • Climate change is a significant threat that requires global cooperation to address.
  • Climate Change = TOPIC
  • Climate change is a significant threat that requires global cooperation to address. = THESIS STATEMENT

Which one is the thesis statement and which one the affirmation?

- Social media platforms have both positive and negative impacts on mental health.

- Social media connects people.

  • Social media platforms have both positive and negative impacts on mental health. = THESIS STATEMENT
  • Social media connects people. = AFFIRMATION

Identify the thesis statement and its supporting sentence

- Time management skills are important for academic success.

- Students who create study schedules are more likely to finish their tasks on time.

  • Time management skills are important for academic success. = THESIS STATEMENT
  • Students who create study schedules are more likely to finish their tasks on time. = SUPPORTING SENTENCE

Divide the sentence into 1) topic, 2) opinion and 3) sub-topic.

Spending money wisely helps avoid financial stress, like being unable to pay bills or manage debt.

  • Topic: Money
  • Opinion: Spending money wisely helps avoid financial stress
  • Supporting Idea: like being unable to pay bills or manage debt

Create a thesis statement with the following topic: social media

Example: Social media helps people stay connected with friends and family by allowing them to share updates and communicate easily.


Divide the sentence into 1) topic, 2) opinion and 3) sub-topic.

Teaching children about money prepares them for adult life, including understanding savings, budgeting, and spending.

  • Topic: Money
  • Opinion: Teaching children about money prepares them for adult life
  • Supporting Idea: including understanding savings, budgeting, and spending