You're HIRED!!
True or False
Look at Me!

Sometimes referred to as transferable skills or professional skills. As this term implies, these are skills that are less specialized, less rooted in specific vocations, and more aligned with the general disposition and personality of a candidate.

What are soft skills?


Making sure potential employers are aware of your skills throughout the job application process.

What is Highlighting your skills?


This is the month where we celebrate Mental Health Awareness.

What is May?


A person who is actively working their recovery knows strategies that have worked for them, what's been helpful, and what's not helpful for them.

What is True?


I just obtained a job at McDonald's

Who is David?


When using this skills you can adjust your tone and style according to the audience, comprehend and act efficiently on instructions, and explain complex issues to colleagues and clients alike. This skill is also an important aspect of leadership, since leaders must be able to delegate clearly and comprehensibly.

What is Communication?


This letter is also an opportunity to highlight both soft and hard skills on one document. 

What is a cover letter?


It creates an environment of shame, fear and silence that prevents many people from seeking help and treatment.

What is Stigma?


People with a mental health issue are generally violent.

What is false?

Only 3-5% of violent acts can be attributed to people with a serious mental illness.

Everyone will present about someone who they want to know more about.

What is the assignment for tomorrow during Social Skills?


Having the positive attitude and the initiative to work well without round-the-clock supervision is a vital soft skill for any employee. Not only does it demonstrate reliability and commitment, but it shows that you can fit efficiently into an organisational structure without the need for constant oversight.

What is Self-Motivation?


A one- to two-page document that sums up a job seeker's qualifications for the jobs they're interested in

What is a resume?


This the name of the campaign to help eliminate stigma?  It is also the highlighted theme of the 2018 Mental Health Awareness Month.

What is #Curestigma?


70-90% of people who seek proper treatment for mental health disorders witness a significant reduction in symptoms

What is true?


Who is the most important person in your recovery?

Who am I?  

Who are you?

Who are all of us?


This skills is thought of as a collection of various other soft skills, such as a general positive attitude and outlook, the ability to communicate effectively, and an aptitude for both self-motivating and motivating others. help you.

What is Leadership?


These funds are payable to employees for work performed on behalf of an employer or services provided.

What is a salary or wage?

(How much they are going to pay you for your services)


The name of Today's Skills Group?

What is Workforce Development?

Most people living with mental illness will never lead productive lives.

What is false?

Your diagnosis identifies specific traits or behaviors.  It does not define you as a person nor does it determine how productive you will be in life.  

YOU are in the driving seat of your car of life.  


We talk about this each morning.  It's positive.  It highlights topics from around the world and it is uplifting in hopes of inspiring us to focus on the good in the world.  

What is the Morning Meeting Good News Session?


This skill is seldom talked about but highly valued soft skill; knowing when to accept responsibility for any mistakes you have made demonstrates a healthy level of humility, and a willingness to learn and progress.

What is Responsibility or Self awareness?


A conversation between a job applicant and a representative of an employer which is conducted to assess whether the applicant should be hired.

What is an interview?


It one cure to the virus that prevents people from seeking help.

What is 

Let's check it out!!


Therapy, yoga, meditation and holistic treatments are also used along with prescribed medications for the Treatment for mental health problems.

What is true?


I am a young lady who catches Metro Access each day to come to IBH?

Who is Charlene?