Most startups get their funding from these sources
What is self-funding, family and friends, crowdfunding, grants, loans, and angel investors
Doing something you love can lead to success in entrepreneurship
What is passion for the topic
After Mark Zuckerberg invented Facebook, what did he do?
What is he dropped out of Harvard
Miami startup weekend is this many days
What is 3 days
This is the definition of entrepreneurship.
What is someone who organizes, manages, and assumes the risks of a business or enterprise
This government program helps startups
What is the Small Business Administration (SBA)
As an entrepreneur, you must have this skill to adapt to the ever-changing business plan
What is flexibility
This game is where Bill Gates got his inspiration to further his obsession with computers.
What is Tic-Tac-Toe
This percentage of startup entrepreneurs have had their business fail
What is 90%
This French economist coined the term Entrepreneur
Who is Richard Cantillon
These are ways to help encourage people to contribute to funding
What is to focus on the individual, and help them feel their emotions
A skill that an entrepreneur has to have to know when to take a chance
What is Risk Tolerance
This inventor had over 5,000 prototypes before launching his first product and his company becoming one of the leading vacuum brands.
Who is Sir James Dyson
This is the best way for entrepreneurs to get recognized during a startup
What is Social Media
The word entrepreneur comes from this French word meaning to begin.
What is Entreprendre
These are common mistakes in finding funding
What is giving up too much of the company, no plans for scaling, lack of research in investors
Since failure is highly likely, an entrepreneur must be able to use it this an opportunity to learn and grow.
What is persistence
This jewelry piece helps monitor health patterns and was created in Finland.
What is Oura Rings
This state has the highest chance of failure in a startup
What is Washington
Entrepreneurship has affected the world by
What is creating a new meaning to business
Which states help startups more than others
What is Utah, Florida, Texas, North Carolina, Indiana
An entrepreneur must make challenging decisions and stand by those choices even if they are wrong.
What is decisiveness
This famed inventor was kicked out of school for being unteachable and fired multiple times due to lack of production.
Who is Thomas Edison
This is the average age of successful entrepreneurs
What is 45
The word entrepreneurship was first said in
What is 1970