Who is in charge on fundraising. You see these two girls when you go canning:)
Emily and Jaiden
What app should you have a fundraiser set up on?
FACEBOOK (see Keeley or any exec member if you still need to set yours up)
When is the Day Of this year?
April 12th
What day of the week is push day?
What is the date of the mini event in March?
March 21st
Who is in charge of Morale?
NaTasha and Wylie
What is the minimum amount of money you need to raise?
What is the theme this year?
Building Tomorrow's Miracles
Where is trivia held during push week?
Wooden legs Brewery
When do the kids make their art for the art auction?
At the mini event!
Who runs the social media pages for state a thon? One of them has probably asked you to be in a reel:)
Jada and Catherine
What online fundraiser is currently running?
See's Candies
What is the deadline to raise your minimum fundraising amount?
March 1st
What are the dates of the two Participant meetings in February?
Feb. 6 and 11
Who is in charge of event operations?
What ice cream place is holding a tip night with us January 29th?
Dairy Queen
What was the the theme for the Day Of last year?
Oh The Miracles You'll Make
What food item is sold on Thursdays in the union during push week?
Where can you find all the resources you need as a participant?
In the link-tree on the instagram page.
Who is the President of State A Thon?
What are the names of the cow and the pig participating in pie bingo?
Princess and Wilbur!!
The kids.
What food item is given out in the union on Fridays of push week?
What's Going On?!!!!
STATE A THON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!