Meeting Requests
Where Can I Find it?
Due Dates and Reminders
Contracts & Finance
This is where SHA SME requests should be initiated.
What is SharePoint request process or through you - their state contact?
Topic webinar slides are posted here by this time.
What is on the HRET HEN website 3 business days after the event?
Day the SHA monthly report is due
What is on the third of the month? ((Unless it falls on a weekend or holiday - next business day))
Date when the HEN contract is over.
What is September 23, 2016?
Name the four primary modes of SHA communication.
What are 1) weekly SHA call, 2) weekly SHA newsletter, 3) SHA listserv and 4) HRET HEN SHA contact twice-monthly calls?
The three components of a complete meeting request to be sent to CMS.
What are the Form A, meeting agenda and SharePoint meeting request?
SHA call recordings and slides can be found here.
What is on SharePoint events calendar event?
The day that the HRET monthly report is due to CMS
What is the 9th of the month, except when it falls on a weekend or holiday?
This is the dollar amount that requires HRET HEN approval for SHA subcontracts (second tier subcontracts).
What is $10,000 for the entire project?
Where to find how many Cynosure/SME/HRET allotments a SHA has remaining.
What is the t-drive > CMS Deliverables > Meeting Request Documentation > Meeting Request Tracker
The number of weeks before a meeting or SME request SHAs should submit to SharePoint
What is 5 weeks before the request date?
Improvement calculator can be found here.
What is on the website under 'Data and Informatics Teams' or 'Data Basics & Quality Improvement'?
Day that SHAs should submit their events for the past month to the SHA engagement tracker.
What is same day their monthly report is due?
The number of days after the month the SHA monthly base payment (MBP) invoice is due.
What is 45 days?
Name the three types of case studies being requested
What are PFE exemplar hospitals, HRET HEN case studies, and EOC case studies?
Number of days before the meeting that Cynosure or SMEs can book travel to a HRET-approved meeting.
What is 30 days, unless CMS approved?
Agendas and templates for topic webinars are developed with Cynosure team members here.
What is SharePoint Subcontractor page?
This is where you can find the data pull dates for the HEN project.
What is the SharePoint Events calendar?
This is where you can find the list of HRET-contracted SMEs.
What is on the State Hospital Association SharePoint page under 'HEN 2.0 Links'
Share the questions that go to the HRET data support and not to their HRET data analyst
What are hospital-level questions or CDS technical issues?
Which topics are needed on a meeting to be submitted to CMS?
What are any of the core or additional topics? If a cross-cutting topic, like PFE or HRO, tie it to application to a core or additional topic.
The CMS monthly report can be found here as a working document.
What is HEN Project Team page under 'CMS Deliverables'?
The three priority items to cover in each SHA check-in call
What is data, programs updates, upcoming deadlines and deliverables?
Where to find which topics are included in Milestone 3?
What is tell them to email Charisse!!!!
When should you let Sarah or Natalie know of a concern or stressor that has the potential to affect HRET-SHA relationship?
What is ANYTIME, obvi.