World Religions
Middle Ages
The Caste System

This made India a subcontinent by separating it from the rest of Asia. 

What is the Himalaya Mountains?


This was a built as a tomb for the Pharaohs. It would prepare him for the afterlife. 

What is a pyramid?


This monotheistic religion was founded by Jesus in Palestine. Their book is the bible.

What is Christianity?


This group sat at the top of the Feudal System pyramid. They gave land to the nobles, but had very little real power.

What are kings?


This group were outcasts and had to do dirty jobs. Others felt they deserved this due to bad karma from a previous life.

Who are the untouchables?


Without these, people would starve as crops died. When it came, it would provide rich soil, but the flooding was also destructive.

What are monsoons?


This was used in China to keep out invaders. 

What is the Great Wall?


This non-theistic religion was founded by Siddhartha Gautama in India. They believe in karma and reincarnation. The Eightfold Path and Four Noble Truths are the foundation for their teachings.

What is Buddhism?


This group worked the land for the nobles in exchange for protection. They could move or marry without the lords permission.

What are peasants?


This group was at the top of the Caste System in India. 

Whoare priests?


This contribution helped make recording trade and writing numbers in India easier. 

What is the Hindu-Arabic numerals including zero?


This was built in Mesopotamia as a temple to their gods. 

What is a Ziggurat?


This polytheistic religion was founded by the Aryans in India and supports the Caste System. They also believe in karma and reincarnation. They do not eat beef because they consider the cow sacred. 

What is Hinduism?


This group was tied to the land and had few rights. 

What are the serfs?


This group was made up of artisans and merchants.

Who are the common people?


This system was created because Aryans were lighter skinned and felt they were better than those with darker skin and because they were outnumbered and wanted to remain in control.

What is the Caste System?


This was a major trade route between Europe and Asia. 

What is the The Silk Road?


This monotheistic religion was founded by Abraham in Jerusalem. Their holy book is the Torah and they do not eat pork.

What is Judaism?


This group gives out land "fief" in exchange for protection and military service. 

What are nobles?


This group had those in the military and the leaders. 

Who are warriors and rulers?


This religion supported the Caste System because their believers felt that whether you moved up or down the caste system depended on the karma from your past life when you were reincarnated.

What is Hinduism?


This was a temple in Rome used to worship their patron god.

What is the Pantheon?


This monotheistic religion was founded by Muhammad in Mecca. Their holy book is called the Qu'ran.

What is Islam?


This group gives the peasants land to work and protection in exchange for food and services.

What are knights and vassals?


This group did physical labor because they were not trained in a trade.

Who are unskilled workers?