Earn 3 State Farm Loyalty Rewards points for every $1 spent on insurance premium payments, up to $_________ annually.
What all is included in the point transfer template?
- # of points:
- CC last 4 to:
- CC last 4 from:
- Read Redemption Scripting (Y/N):
**If spouse has different last name: please include that**
Member has 59,563 points on her account, she wants to know what she can do with those points? What will give her the most bang for her buck?
Eligible State Farm Products, US Bank Reward Visa Card, Merchant Gift cards, E-certificates, Catalogue Merchandise, Travel, Charitable Giving
** Gifting & Transferring
What sev. are all transfer / gifting tickets when they are first created?
How long does it take for a merchant GC to arrive in the mail?
10-12 business days
What information does the customer need to verify on their business account?
Primary name on the card
Last four of the credit card number
Month and Day of birth w/o the year
Telephone number
What all is included in the point gifting template?
- Recipient's First Name:
- Recipient's Last Name:
- Recipient's CC last 4:
- CC last 4 from:
- # of points to Gift:
- Read Redemption Scripting (Y/N):
Member wants to redeem towards their CC, they have 31,656. What do you have to inform them of before completing that redemption?
The redemption premium they qualify for when redeeming towards the US Bank Rewards Visa Card.
** Advise of the amount they qualify for.
When you first create a ticket, how long will it be before the escalations team reaches out to the member?
3-5 business days
When is the last day to redeem for the US Bank Card and get the redemption premium?
March 12th
When a member wants to redeem their points for travel, what steps must be taken?
Verify account, advise of point balance, dial out to Montrose, assist them with pulling up the account, warm transfer the member
John calls in wanting to move points to his wife, Jessica's account. Jessica is the only one on the account. What template is needed for this ticket? Why?
Member has 3,522 points and wants to redeem towards a $25 Macy's GC. You add the $25 Macy's GC to the cart, verify the shipping address but it will not allow you to submit the redemption. After observing the account, you notice a red X next to redeem. What do you do now?
Check to see if statement credit option is available to redeem towards, if yes ask if the would like to put the redemption towards the CC.
If no transfer to TSYS
What needs to be included in every ticket?
Good contact phone number, e-mail address, redemption details if applicable, brief description.
** All required fields should be filled out accordingly.
On business accounts, if the member cannot remember what phone number is on the account, what can you ask as an alt.
Lat 3 transactions
What redemption option is eligible to receive a redemption premium?
The US Bank Rewards VISA Card
Chris has a business and a personal CC account. He wants to move all of the points to his personal CC account. What template is used? Why?
Member wants to redeem towards the US Bank Rewards Visa Card but the address is wrong. What do you do next?
Transfer them to TSYS so they can get the address updated. Advise them to call back after 72 hours and redeem.
Josh is an a/u on two accounts, he wants to move points form account ending in 4236 to 1156. What do we have to figure out before deciding on the ticket template?
Who the primary/secondary account holders are
True or False: Business cards are eligible to receive redemption premiums (25%, 35%, 50% additional amount) when making a redemption towards US Bank Rewards Visa Cards.
How long does it take for the US Bank Rewards Visa Card to arrive?
May take up to 14 business days
Sam is a secondary owner on an account with her son. She calls in wanting to move her points to her daughter's account where she is an authorized user. What template is used?
Member has 150,569 points and wants to redeem all points towards Amazon e-certs. What do you do?
How likely are you to complete this redemption?
Check the account for notes, point purchases, open tickets, recent e-mail changes.
Not likely.
Would you create a ticket if the member's address needs to be changed and a redemption to be made for the US Bank Visa Card?
& Why
No, all address updates, e-mail address updates, phone number updates need to be sent to TSYS
(Cold transfer)
What needs to be included in the call notes after
Completing a redemption?
Creating a ticket?
Redemption details
Ticket number and summary