Dome / Roger Williams
Senate / House Chambers
Library/ State Room
Christina / Elizabeth
What is the 4th largest self supported Dome in the World
What is unique about the state house dome?
What is Federal Green
What is the color of the Senate Chamber?
What is the back of a leather bound book.
What is the ceiling in the library designed to look like?
What is called "The doctress of Wigs"
What is Christina Carteauz Bannister know for?
What is freedom of reliogn, speech, and government
What are the three freedonds granted by the Royal Charter?
What is the Independent man
What is the name of the statue standing on top of the dome?
What are 38
What is the number of Senaters in Rhode Island?
What are George Washington, Oliver Hazard Perry, Commodore John Berry, and General Nathaniel Green
What are the names of the four portrites in the State Room?
What is the Home for Aged Colored Women which is now known as the Bannister House
What is the name of the house that christina founded?
What is the War govenor from 1860-1863 lead his troops to the first battel of bull run
What is Governor William Sprague known for?
What are the Four Freedoms
What is the name of the mural inside the dome?
What are Original to the building oak desks
What are the desks in the House Chamber made from?
What is irion and wood
What are the Stair case in the library made out of and what are they supossed to look like?
What is 93
What is the age that Elizabeht Buffam Chaced died?
What is the civil war, Spanish american war, wolrd war I, and Revolusionary war.
What are the four flags from in the case behind the cannons?
What are Justice, Literature, Commerce. and Education
What are the Latin words beneath each portrait representing on the 4 pillors?
What is 75
What is the number of representitives?
What are Prayers, Photos of a RI veteran, 2 vials of sand from the battle at Iwo Jima in Japan, and an American Flag Ffolded 13 times for the original colonies that is in the shape of a triangle representing Civil War hats.
What is in the World War II Memorial Box?
What is the under ground rail road
What do Elizabeht and her husband take place in?
What is the smallest state with the longest name and the shortest motto.
What is signifigant about the name of the state in relation to its size and motto?
The Latin phrase " Rare felicity of the times when it is permitted to think what you like and say what you think."
What is scripted in the blue band around the Dome ?
What is 1644, Newport, Providence. Portsmouth, and Warwick.
What year did the Rotating Assembly begin and what four towns did it rotate to?
What is a top hat, jaket with coat tails, and pin striped pants
What is the uniorm worn by the high sherof for the inauguration?
What is to force the City Council of Providence to require female matron in all police stations
What is the reason for Elizabethg tackling prisoin reform?
What is 1903.
What is the year that the gettysburg cannon was brough to the State House?