what is Michigans state mottos
Are you looking for a great peninsula? look about yourself
What’s the state motto of New Hampshire
Live free or die
whats the state motto of Florida
In god we trust
whats the state motto of California
whats the state motto of Pennsylvania
Virtue liberty and independence
What is the state motto of Ohio
With god everything is possible
whats the state motto of vermont
Freedom and unity
whats the state motto of alabama
We dare defend our rights
What’s the state Motto of oregon
She flies with her own wings
whats the state motto of New York
Ever upward
whats the state motto of Indiana
crossroads of America
whats the state motto of Maine
Dirgo (I direct)
whats the state motto of Georgia
Justice wisdom and moderation
whats the state motto of Washington
By and by (unofficial)
whats the state motto of new jersey
Liberty and prosperity
whats the state motto of Wisconsin
whats the state motto of Rhode island
whats the state motto of missispi
By valor and arms
whats the state motto of Utah
whats the state motto of Delaware
Liberty and independence
whats the state motto of Minnesota
Star of the north
whats the state motto of masschussetts
By the sword we seek peace but peace only under liberty
whats the state motto of Kentucky
United we stand devided we Fall
whats the state motto of New Mexico
It grows as it grows
whats the state motto of Maryland
Strong dead’s gentle words