12 Powerful Words
Class Skills and Strategies
Multiple Choice
Short Repsonse
Extended Response

What does trace mean?

To outline


What is the central idea?

What a text is mostly about


What do you do when there are two answers that seem right?

Go back to the text and find where the answer might be or choose the answer that is most correct.

What does the A in ADD stand for?

Answer - and you should be restating the question which means writing it in a complete sentence.


What should you do before you start writing your extended response?

Think about your answer and plan out what you're going to write.


What does infer mean?

Read between the lines or take what you already know and what you read to help you come up with an answer


What is a theme?

The message of the story


What do you do when you have multiple choice questions to make sure you get the correct answer?

Cross out or eliminate answers, go back to the text, put question marks next to the answers you're not sure about, circle when you know the correct answer.


What should you do if you don't understand the question?

Restate the question and take your best guess at the answer. Try to go back to the text, where the question is coming from, and steal quotes from that spot.


How do you know what to write in each paragraph?

Look at the bullet points on the test and use them as your body paragraphs! Each body paragraph should have at least 3 sentences answering the bullet questions with ADD. You also need a short introduction and conclusion.


What does support mean?

to back it up


What is point of view?

What the author or character thinks


How many multiple choice answers are there for each question?



What do the letter Ds stand for in ADD?

Detail! A quote from the text


How do you answer each bullet point from the extended response?

Using ADD and explain if you have time or are able.


What is a summary?

The short version


What is an excerpt?

a piece of a text


Do the people who write the test want you to get the answers correct?

No - they create them to trick you into making mistakes!


How many sentences is a short response?

3! ADD - Answer Detail Detail


Do spelling and grammar count for the extended response?

No! As long as the test grader can read and understand what you were trying to say, you're good!


What does predict mean?

To think about the future


What does it mean when the question asks about development or character development?

How things change or form throughout the story, or how a character changes throughout a story


What should you do, if you really don't know the answer?

Take your best guess, using what you did understand. Eliminate two answers that really don't make sense and then pick from the remaining 2 that might make sense.

Do you have to go back to the text for short responses? Why or why not?

YES! You need two pieces of text evidence. You can use parts of the question to help you find where to steal your answers from the text.


How long is an extended response?

4-5 paragraphs